Root of all Boldness

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"Why do you have to leave love him right?"

"Why? Because I don't want him get hurt again." I said to Aki while walking away from the hide out.

" Running away is not a solution." She said to me.

I continue walking. I can't allow him be in danger just because of me. I am so damn tired of seeing the person I love suffer.

" What am I going to say if he wakes up?" Aki asked

"Tell him I am dead" I retort.

" What!?" She exclaims

I left him a money so he can start a life without me. I guess 300K euro is enough. He can build a new family and life with that.

I open my car and start driving away from the hide out where I left my ex boyfriend.

NP: Not Afraid by Eminem

I am an assasin but JR, my ex boyfriend didn't know this at first. We were childhood lovers and he knew everything about me except being assasin.

When I was still 16 years old my grandmother died and my mother went to Germany to work after my dad decided to end their relationship. My dad lives in our hometown in south korea with his new wife named Jini. I decided to live separate from both parents.

At the young age of 16 I didn't feel the enjoyment of having a family. But I never care about it. As long as I know my mom and dad were safe, I am contented.

I got involved in a group of car racers called Ace Speed when I turn into 18. I love cars and I am endeavor to learn drifting so I enter the group. I continue my studies because of their support. I assume to my mom that I was a scholar in the University. I want her enjoy her life without thinking of me as a headache. She was so depress because of my dad before so I want her relax. My father was so busy with his business. I didn't even bother to asked for financial support because Jini kept blocking me. I was too kind that time I don't want to fight her.

One sad afternoon of March my dad was said murdered by a man and body was missing. I report to the house immediately and see bloods in the floor. According to Jini the man throw dad's body to the fast flowing river. I talked to the man and asked him why did he did it to my father. He didn't answered me.

I never saw Jini mourn that time. And finding dad's body wasn't continue because she stopped the operation.

I went to Atty. Baek and asked for my shares in dad's business company. But, Atty. said that dad left the whole company to Jini.
That time I realized that maybe it was Jini's plan, to murder my dad and to take the business. She's a freak gold digger.

After what Atty. said I went to Jini and confronted her. She kept on denying at first that it was all her plan. But it end up she admitted it. Saying that my dad was no longer the viper of the company but the trash in the river. So it was confirmed.

Flashback conversation

"My dad gave to you everything, but why the hell on earth you kill him?" I cried asking her.

"You don't know anything little girl. You're dad was a liar so he deserve to die" she exclaim

" Liar? You're the liar Jini. How can you say all of this stuff? I am going to report you!" I said.

"Report me? How? You don't have any evidence and money darling! Remember little girl you're no longer a heir to anything which your daddy worked hard before. You don't know me Eunha. " She said.

She didn't know I have a recorder here in my pocket and I recorded all what she just said.

"How dare you!? " I shouted here with all force. I'm so mad at her that I want to punch her from she was sitting.

"You will pay for this." I added

I walk out the door. That time I immediately went to the police station and reported what I have. The police kept me wait outside while he examined the record. The police went back and said to me that I should left the record in to him to keep it safe. Unfortunately that police was one of his men. The next day, I asked for any updates about the case but the police denied that there was a record. I was so damn I gave it to him amd trusted him. That day Jini call me using a new number and said that I failed.

I never expect that she was really that mad of what I did that she command her men to kill my mom through car accident. That's how crazy she was. Fortunately, she didn't killed my mom by the car accident, but my mom can't walk for the main time.
She almost took my dad from us, kill him and now hurt my mom.

I graduated college with no parents to assist me during the ceremony. Only a member of Ace Speed assisted me. That's Aki. She's my bestfriend, a cousin of my ex boyfriend JR. She was always there whenever I need her. Before JR migrated in Hong Kong when he was still10 so we don't have communications.

I went back to AS. Taki, our team leader the AS president tell me that he can help me do a revenge to Jini but with a consequence of no love life. According to him, love will be a hindrance to any vengeance.

Taki trained me shooting and help me developed my body in fighting. He exposed me to a lot of mission. Taki is a secret assasin. He built DOADOS after he graduated college. DOADOS or Dead or Alive, Die or Survive is a group of men and women lost and searching for justice through vengeance. After he created DOADOS, he created Ace Speed. Taki also experienced abused before. When he was a child her mother died because of Cardiac arrest. He was left with his father but unfortunately due to political conflicts his father was assassinate during take oath. Taki lost his only strength. He continued studying and graduated in commerce and proceed as a lawyer.

According to him Jini is a former member of DOADOS but his attitude is not acceptable to the team. She wants to be the boss at all times.

Flashback conversation

" Why did you accept her in the team? How did you met?" I asked Taki

" She was a young lady before. I saw her in the street with bloods in her clothes sitting under the rain. According to her she's Jini Lee, her parents were murdered by anonymous men. She ran away and save her life for the sake of survival. I took her and trained like you." He explained

"Then why she became this freak?" I asked.

" Because she wants to take over DOADOS. She's worse than a snake, she's a crocs who will lie to you by her teary eyes but eat you painfully. " He said

"That was her style. He seduced my father, killed him, took the company and destroy life of every person she wanted to" I retorted

"But what's worst was that I was married with her own sister Jackie Lim. Her former or real name before was Sofi Lee. Her sister Angelynne Lee killed their parents. Sofi changed her name into Jackie because she was so afraid of her sister. Angelynne Lee was Jini Lee." He storied

"Omfg! SHE'S a demon! But Taki you never said to us that you're married. Where is she now? " I asked.

" I never told her I was an assasin, I never told her I am a head leader of DOADOS. She never know so much about my gang. Jini used it to weaken me. I never knew before that Angelynne was Jini but Jini knew that Jackie was Sofi because of the birth mark in the left leg. She told Jackie everything about my secret group and Jackie got mad on me. I tried to explained her the reason why I hide it but she ran away from me and drove her car. She fell into a creek. I found out her car's break was cutted beforehand. It was all Jini's plan." He explained to me while tears ran on his face.

"She killed her own family. She never care about bloodlines. So that's the reason why you are helping me." I said.
I gave him a hug and said "sometimes the one we saved will be our killer but don't worry I will never be like her"

Sorry for typos. Hope you understand the flow. Feel free to comment :)

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