The Lies I Tell

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I tell the same lie to everyone and they believe it. No one sees though it or they do and don't care. apparently my lies are convincing because the people I love don't see my suffering and pain. They don't see what I do behind close doors. The nights that the blood runs from my wrist or the pills I took to many of . No one cares enough to see that the "I'm fine" meant that I need help. they don't see the desperate cries of help or the screams in the night. "Help me" I cry. "Help your self I'm busy" Percy replies. Wills to busy with the infirmary to help a lost cause. Jason's too busy with piper too help and Leo would joke about me being the "cutting emo" . The only person who listens to me is my blade and I talk to it nightly. No one notices me wearing long sleeves in 100 degree
heat or always wearing my aviator jacket. The only person who cared was Bianca and she's dead. No one sees my suffering and no one cares. Everyone who cares about me dies. Maybe I should leave no one would miss me anyway, hell no one would notice.
I grab a pen and paper and began to write.

Dear who ever finds this,
I'm leave camp for good. Everyone failed me. I tried asking for help but everyone was too busy for a lost cause. When you find this i will be some where else don't bother looking for me because I don't want to be found especially by the ones who caused most of my pain and suffering. Percy you failed me the most I asked for help but you were to busy. Why couldn't you have helped me, you caused me this pain, you killed my sister, and I will never forgive you for that. Hazel, I left for the best don't be sad I'm not good enough of a person to cry over. Will please don't look for me. I tried to get you to help me but you didn't listen. No one did. No one saw though the lies of "I'm okay" or "I'm fine" because I wasn't. I'm shattered beyond repair. good bye I will miss you all.
Good bye,
Nico Di Angelo
I was about to shadow travel away when my door burst open and Will Solace walked through the door
"Were you trying to shadow travel no underworld magic doctors orders"
"Good bye Will I love you don't forget that but I can't stay here. I can't, I have to leave. Good bye"
That was the last thing before I shadow traveled away for good.

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