The First Contact

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Silence after a Battle against Clone's and Droids. Just the wind that's blowing Ofer the field of Death. I see that every day.
'One of my traps was Triggered!'
I grabbed my Sniper and used my Force to get there as Quick as Possible. As I arrived, I saw a Girl. She had serious wounds over her body but still looked cute though.
'Ugh, Great.'
I jumped down from the Tree I where sitting on. I opened the rope with a Knife to get the girl out of there.
Seven hour later, the girl finally awoke.
« Awake? », I said with a Deep calm voice.
She didn't say anything, she did just look at me.
« Well, are you hungry? I'm sure you are after that much blood you lost. »
The girl sat up and finally spoke.
« Yes, that would be great..»
I smiled at her even though I have a mask on and she couldn't see it,
« Here, it's still warm. »
She took it and said, thanks to me. The sun where rising when she finished.
« So...who are you? »
« Call me TJ. »
« TJ..? Alright, I'm Asoka. »
« Well then, Asoka. I'm glade you did wake up, I wasn't Sure if you would, but as I see you did. Let me get to the Point. You have some bad injuries and it would be better for you ,if you would stay here for at least a Week. »
After this words, everything where silent.
« one Week? », she said with a sigh in her voice.
« Yes. It's all for your best. If you want to make a call or something over there is a Pad, feel free to use it. » I pointed at a Communication Pad where a map where opened.
« Sure,could you- »
« Yes, I can help you get over there. »
I stepped close to her and pulled the arm around my Neck. We walked over to the Pad slowly. Asoka started to make the call and talk to her master about everything. Her Master, Anakin Insisted on coming to her for the week. I had no other Choice but to say yes. He then said he would bring Obi Wan too and some clones. After I told him he is only allowed to bring at least tow Clones we had a little argument, till he where fine with it and so the first day where gon.

In the evening I asked:
« Why did you even call him master?»
« Because I have to. I'm his Padawan. »
I coughed a little when I heard that
« WHAT?! »
« What? Is something wrong? »
I had to calm myself before I spoke
« No, it's just, I never saw a Padawan or Jedi before. » I wasn't actually lying, I just heard about it but never saw any.
« You should sleep, Asoka. I will get your Master and his Friends here..»
« Alright, thanks..» then she lays down and sleeps. It's dangerous on the Ground at night, that's why I'm in a Save, big tree with a Cave near. It's my base for years and the leaves won't let any light out. I moved from tree to tree till I where at the big Meadow where we where supposed to meet.
'A ship and four people. They seem to wait for me.'
I jumped down without making a sound. As I Appeared out of the darkness they didn't know it where me.
« Lower your guns, Clones. I am here to pick you up. »
« You are TJ? » Anakin asked with a serious Voice.
« Yes, now follow. It's dangerous down here at night. I hope you can clime. »
Anakin and Obi-Wan smiled and the clones, Cody and Rex had a Rocket Backpack to move easier. It took way longer then I thought but we all where in the save tree where is a Cave connected to before the sun gos up.
« Welcome in the Save place, People. »
I had 4 Bed's prepared for them and Asoka where still sleeping in my bed.
« I hope it's enough for you. I can't offer more right now.»
« Thanks for letting us stay, TJ. »
« No Problem, I guess. Oh and one little tip before I leave to make my Job. Don't go out of the save zone when you hear any sounds. »
Then I laughed and said bye in a Hilarious way.
As I left, My face and eyes turned dark. I looked up and sat the mask away. I pulled out a Cigaret and lighted it. Then I did take the shortest way to get to the City.

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