" first practice. " | twenty - five

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" first practice. "

- ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ -

[ ur pov!! ]


I quickly got up to leave, as I saw Hu Tao, Lumine, and Xiao tag along. The hallways were full of people. Some were even holding props, which were gonna be used for the play.

" Uh.. could one of you guys help me buy a few fabrics for Xiao's costume? Oh, Xiao, what's your size? " Lumine asked. Xiao crossed his arms, before replying quickly. " Adult medium. "

" Got it.. so Hu Tao small, I'm large, and Y/N large? " Lumine asked again, while taking out a pencil and paper. We all nodded, as she quickly wrote them all down. " There.. I've got everyone's sizes. I'm in charge of making your costumes, a few more other students are making the other costumes. "

" Oh, don't we have a practice like.. right now at the gym..? " I turned around to face our group. We all stood silent, and began running to the gym. I was sure everyone else were already there, I was about to head home too..

Finally, we arrived. Albedo, who was standing on the stage, looked at us. He smiled and waved, like an angelic God.. atleast, for some of the girl's there. We all quickly regrouped with the rest of our friend group, as Albedo was holding a.. huge stack of papers.

" Now that everyone is here, I would first like to give each actor here a script, please line up. " Everyone nearly fell in love with Albedo, as they all rushed to get in line. Our friend group were in the back.

" Seems like everybody's fallen in love with Albedo... sheesh, I know he's " hot " and kind, but like.. they all seriously need to find an actual guy or girl to like.. " Hu Tao went on and on, while Albedo noticed and lightly chuckled.

" Nevermind I think I fell in love... " Hu Tao said jokingly, as we all gave her suspicious looks. " I'm more interested in girls anyways.. c'mon quit stalling and let's go! " Hu Tao smiled, as we all received our papers. I took a look at mines, only to find piles of papers stapled together. " Xiao, Lumine, and Y/N have quite a lot of papers.. " Chongyun mentioned.

" Hey! I also have quite a lot of lines too don't you forget~! " Venti butted in, showing us his bunch of papers stapled together. Suddenly, in the corner of my eye, I saw a huge dragon hologram.. it looked pretty realistic.

I also saw Sucrose, who was nervously playing the hologram. " Sucrose, do you need a hand? " Albedo asked Sucrose. She turned to him, looking all shy all of a sudden. " I - I don't.. need help, Mr. Albedo..! "

Sucrose gave Albedo a nervous look, before the hologram glitched out. Sucrose's eyes were practically watering. " I'm.. I'm sorry..! " She rushed to try and fix it, as Albedo bent down to her level.

" It's fine, don't worry. We still have a few months till our performance, and I'm not even mad.. here, I'll help, okay, Sucrose? " Albedo smiled, while Sucrose's cheeks were practically completely red. She slowly nodded, as Albedo began to help her.

" Y/N, stop ease dropping on others love stories.. " Lumine interrupted, while I finally snapped out of it. I laughed nervously, as Xiao too had noticed. " Was.. it really that obvious? "

The whole group nodded, including Xiao..

" I gotta say though.. it seems like Sucrose fell for Albedo hard... hope it goes well if she does. " Lumine looked at Sucrose and Albedo, before turning back to us. " Uhm.. so can you all come to my house later? We could all work on our little side jobs with eachother! "

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