The text

15 0 0

Pietro: sister I've been shot I don't know what to do where are  you

   ???:im sorry you've got the wrong number
WAIT you've been shot!?!?
Go to the hospital!
Where are your
parents anyway

Pietro:I can't
I'm homeless and
parents dead
Wait hang on this is not Wanda

  ???:ye you've got the wrong number         (Instructions for how to deal with a bullet wound)

Pietro: Thank you very much

   ???:wait did you just say homeless

Pietro: No gotta go bye

???:WAIT KID!?!
A day later

Pietro:who are you

???:how bout I give you a nickname kid
I'm not allowed to
say my real name

Pietro:no like this
isn't Pietro right now

???:who is this wait his name is Pietro then

Pietro: sugar
thes is his sister u
Can call me Wanda
And I am sorry
If I mespel (misspell)
English is not my
Fist language

???:you can call me
Dark spider

Pietro : ok dark spider
How old are you?

Dark spider:25

(i think cuz this is just after 1st avengers)


Pietro: finally i got
my phone back
Wait YoUr

Dark spider:ye wait
How old are u

Pietro: i cant say
u could be a Paedophile

Darkspider:im not a pedo kid

Pietro:wait how do
uk im a kid

Dark spider:you act like one

Pietro: I do not!!!
*posh accent*


|pietro has made a groupchat|

|pietro has added 2 participants|

???:what is this gc?

Pietro:hey Wands
this is the gc
with dark spider

Dark spider:hello?


Pietro:this is ms pedo

Dark spider: not a pedo
How old are you anyway?

Pietro:see pedo

Wanda: she's just curious
Also pls save me😭😭😭

Pietro: is it the
catcallers again



Dark spider: I'm sorry
the what

Wanda: any wayyyyy
What is yor name?

Dark spider:its dark spider

Wanda:real name
Cmon you now

A few days later

Wanda: yor name is to
long to tipe can we
Change it

Pietro: hey wands
how about she
Can be our Mum

Dark spider:WHAT?!??

|pietro has changed dark spiders name to Mum|

Wanda: i luv it

Mum: WHAT!!?
Change it back!

Pirtro: gtg bye muuum

After a few weeks
Natasha would often be on the gc speaking to wanda and Pietro yet they had no idea who she was but Clint got curious he always thought 'why is Nat giggling at her phone , does she have a boyfriend' or 'who is Nat texting she hasn't came off her phone in an hour' so he made a plan he planed to steal nats phone when she wasn't looking to find out who she had been talking to


Mum:who are you
That Nat is always texting

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