Second Lesson

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Just like that Travis was sucked by the both of them for the rest of the night. He woke up with them laying on top of him. His cock was out in their air with its full might. Travis got up from bed and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. He then got dressed, after that he jumped out the window and ran towards Laura's side of the castle. When he arrived he leaped over to her balcony and opened her door. She was sat infront of her mirror with her focus on her phone.

[ Husband: I'll be back in a couple weeks. ]

Laura frowned when she read those words. She turned to Travis as she was alarmed by the sound of the door opening. Her frown turned into a bright smile that very second,  Laura got up and walked to him. She was currently wearing a beautiful clear night gown. He could see her beautiful breasts and pussy. Yet he didn't focus on those things.

" Travis you always know how to make a person morning better with your surprise arrivals. Let's sit and talk together, I'm hoping to hear more about that Batman Character of yours." She said.

Seeing him not smiling back really worried her, Laura hurriedly hugged Travis closely and asked him with a concerned tone.

" Are you alright dear? What happened, please tell mommy I'm here to listen "

Travis sighed in her ear making her smile think she would here his problem but what he said really made her stare at him blankly.

" I should be asking you that. What's bothering you?" He asked.

Laura's smile instantly dropped. She stared at him blankly with no answer. Walking back to her seat she took her phone and passed it to him. Travis read the text and his eyes widened. He slowly started getting *angry* as he continued to read all their texts.

" Whats wrong with this guy?" He asked in a disdainful tone. Laura held his face gently as looked up at him." Don't bother with him Travis. He's an adult, if he doesn't want to take care of me as his wife then there's nothing I can do" she slowly began to smile again.

" I know you're angry but it's not something you should make into an issue. It's my problem and I'll solve it when I'm ready. " She pulled him into a hug yet again.

" Don't tell Grace. She already has alot on her plate at the moment. "

Travis nodded" Thank you my Dear. You are  the best. Now how about we have some Tea and Scones while we chat?"

Like that Travis let go of the issue and continued to make her happy with his presence. He wanted to make her think off him all the time. Even when she sleeps she should have him in mind. If that happens it'll make the process of turning her into his woman easier.

After a couple hours, everyone else was up and they were sat in the dining hall and eating some breakfast. The gang were excited to learn some new things using their energy. They didn't know that it could be used power before. Since they're bodies grew stronger they relied on that strength to fight monsters. Yet with energy being another source of strength they could multiply their power.

' I really made this world too op'

After they ate everyone got dressed into more comfortable clothes. When Travis was about to leave he was pulled by Heaher and Lisa who were pouting.

" Travis how could you do such a thing. Tonight we want to have our turn."

" Alright then. See ya" He then ran off to the field. Leaving Lisa and Heather to water at the thought of getting their mouths recked by his cock.

He arrived at the field and he saw that they were in the a track field.

" Now we'll be using your energy to boost your speed instead of using you internal speed or Attribute speed. Now I'll first show you, then you'll follow."

They all nodded, Paul then walked over to the starting line. Suddenly his feet were engulfed with a dark brown aura. He then moved.


Paul blitzed, disappearing from sight the second he moved. He ran around the field a hundred times in a single second. He stood on the starting line with a blank face as he looked at them all.

" That's just me using my energy. I'm sure you'll all do good. Its pretty simple when you get an understanding of your energy "

" Alright now start. I'll tell you when to stop"

Everyone embued their energy to their feet, then they started running. Each time they got an understanding they would escalate in speed. They ran like that till they weren't even visible. It was if they were running backwards from how fast they were going.

" Alright stop!"

Everyone stopped that very second. They're shoes were literally on fire.

" Good. Now your next test is to vertical jump using your energy. Pretty easy I know. Just do it thought. Tomorrow you'll learn something fun"

Training continued for the rest of the day. They all learned a lot today when it comes to energy. Yet they were still hungry for more. Paul had to change his schedule since they kept getting the solution too quickly.

So tomorrow he said they would do something harder. Well they weren't that worried about that. At night they were sitting in the hall eating dinner together, Laura was happy seeing how lively the  castle is since they've came. She would normally be cooped in her bedroom and read some Manga  at the moment.

Travis smiled at her , making her blush a bit. His smile was breathtaking as always, even Laura couldn't handle it. Not to mention the other girls in the room at the moment. Not even going to mention how this made Chris and Kevin angry. When they were done with Dinner, Travis walked Laura back to her room.

" I enjoy you all being here Travis, I want you to know that without you , I'd be lonely right now. So Thank you "

Travis chuckled in response.

" Well I do enjoy making beautiful ladies happy, so consider that gift from me" He said with smirk. Laura blushed and said." You have such  a sweet tounge. Thank you for walking me back here. Goodnight" She kissed his cheek and walked into her room.

Travis smiled then he dissappeared. Appearing in his room as he saw two beautiful ladies with lust filled eyes sitting on his bed.

" You're finally here, Let's begin"

[ I'm currently going through an  internet issue. I need data to upload chapters and look for pictures  for the characters.  Please Check my Ko-fi account or PayPal, , I'm very grateful to anyone who donates. Peace]

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