Stop haunting me

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At this point i just want you out of my head. I don't want to be asking why. I don't want to wonder if it was my fault, if i did something wrong.

I don't want to wonder if i'll ever see you again, or hear your voice, or feel your touch.

I just want you gone.

You're out of sight but not out of mind, and its killing me inside.

At night i crave your arms. I dream of you being here with me, caring about me, and it makes me want to cry.

I no longer love sleep, because i know you will be in my dreams.

I know i miss you, but i don't want to, 

because i know you're not missing me.

You live your life allowing your shadow to cast into mine.

I just want to live my life.

I want to live without your ghost haunting me.

Your ghost is everywhere, its in my house, in my room. 

Its in my favourite series and my tiny tv.

I can even taste you when i drink my favourite drinks.

I chose to let you in and now your ghost is haunting me.

I can see your ghost walking through the door, smiling at me.

Then you get annoyed because i'm taking up all the space on purpose again.

but somehow you still find a way to lie in my tiny bed next to me.

and you wrap your strong arms around me,

and look at me with those piercing eyes of yours.

before you kiss me with those soft lips.

And then you just hold me,

gradually making me feel safe.

you make my demons disappear.

and I'm so happy inside i have to hold back tears.

But that was then, you're long gone now.

My sheets doesn't even smell like you anymore.

And all I'm left with is your ghost.

Making me stay up with tears falling simply because i remember.

I don't want to remember anymore.

I just want your ghost to leave me alone

Will your ghost ever leave me alone?

Its been over a month now, and its still here.

Tearing me apart at night

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