Chapter 1:Who is She?

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A loud,pain filled howl ripped through the forest.In the same direction it came from,a loud snarl rang in the air.

In a small clearing,a red wolf stood over a fallen grey and brown one,snarling at a man with a gun.The man was frantically trying to load his gun again but the red wolf wasn't going to wait.With a growl she leaped at the hunter and clamped her jaws over his throat before shaking her head violently.A loud crack could be heard before she dropped him and moved back to the side of the fallen wolf.A shudder passed through his body as he shifted back to a man,groaning in pain.The she~wolf whimpered and licked his face,trying to comfort him.

The man gave her a small,painful smile before speaking quietly,"No,no.It's to late.Go back and find the rest of the pack,they will be worried.The she~wolf whimpered again and poked the man in the face with her nose.He chuckled,"No,go on."The red wolf growled stubbornly before laying down and curling around the man,her huge form completely covering him.With a sigh he patted her side before leaning into her fur.

After a while the mans breathing started to slow,completely unnoticed by the wolf curling around him,who had dropped off into sleep.

Clayton's ears picked at the sound of a howl.He could hear the hint of pain in it and it sounded close.He lifted his muzzled from the rabbit he had killed and looked around.Taking a second to bury his catch,he started off towards the sound,not quite sure if he wanted to know the source of the howl.He ran cautiously,hoping the ones that caused the howl were long gone.

He could tell he was close when the coppery smell of blood came over him.He wrinkled his nose in revulsion.

Clayton could smell the scent of at most two other weres and a human.He immediately knew something was up when he smelled the human.This was were territory and no human ever came this deeply into it.He gave a quiet snort before carefully stepping into the clearing.He was confonted with a snarling she~wolf,an extremely large one at that.Based on her size she seemed to be of alpha blood but she was defiantly not from his pack.He eyed her cautiously.A worked up alpha was never a good thing.He turned his head slightly and saw the cause of the human smell.A man-hunter by the looks of it-was laying on the ground,his neck at an odd angle.

Looking back at the she~wolf he saw that she had taken a step closer,bristling.He was confused by the way she didn't say anything,just stood there and growled.By now any other alpha wold be telling him to back off through the common were link.He was brought out of his thinking by the wolf taking another step.That's when he noticed what she was being so protective over.

A man was laying on the ground,blood surrounding a small hole in his torso.Clayton knew by scent and just common sense that the bullet that had made the hole was silver.He immeadiently felt bad for the she~wolf,alpha or not.

The she~wolf seemed to notice what he caught sight of the man and backed up to stand by him,lowering her head to nudge him.Clayton's gaze softened,knowing that the she~wolf was mourning for the man.He backed off into the woods and shifted,pulling on close he always kept with him before coming ot again."Hey,"he murmered softly,"Can I help?"

The she~wolf looked at him before dipping her head and moving to pick up the man.Clayton winced slightly when he saw the saddness in her eyes.He moved,motioning for her to follow him and started off,looking back every once in a while to make sure the she~wolf was still there.

He wondered why she was there and were her pack was.Sighing he moved his gaze to the path again.He could find out later.


Well,hows that for an intro?

There is a picture of the mystery she~wolf on the side.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2013 ⏰

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