Being on set pt 1

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I'm yn brown and I'm Millie Bobby Browns sister and at first it was fun getting all the attention for being Millie's sister and all but then later on it just got annoying because people would go up to you ask if you can tell Millie that they said "hi!" Or that they want an autograph from her and even your own friends asked. But you couldn't give up on your friends because they were the only people you had and if you did drop them you would be more lonely then you already are. (Are parents are out on a business trip. Yn is 16 and millie is 17 btw)

Y/n's Pov- today was boring I mean I had nothing to do and I was just chilling on my bed listening to music when Millie bursted into my room and ran and then jump on my bed, i took off my headphones and said what the hell millie! What do you want!
Clam down yn I just want to ask you something. Millie said. We'll get on with it I don't got all day. I said in an annoyed tone. Well do you wanna come on set with me I promise it will be fun. She smiles. Hmmm lemme think about it. No. I said. Well you don't have a choice I'm not leaving you here alone. She said while dragging me out of my bed. Get ready we leave in 10. Oh my god fine!
I get ready, I brush my hair and teeth and picked out a grey shirt and light blue jeans with lots of holes and now me and Millie got in her car and we drove over to set.

We arrive to set and Millie showed me to her trailer and she said "if you can't find me this is where I'll most likely be" and  I said okay. She asked me if I wanted to come with her to shooting and I said sure. We walked down the hall and stopped by this door  that read "green screen" and Millie turn around and said to me don't me loud or cause any distractions okay? And I said alright. We walked in and when the door shut it made a loud noise and everyone turned and looked at us. Millie ran to this girl with the most beautiful fiery red hair and hugged her so tight and soon enough they started walking towards me and Millie said yn this is Sadie my best friend and Sadie this is yn my sister. "H-hi Sadie nice to meet you" I said with a warm smile. She said "nice to meet you to yn." She also said with a warm smile. Well me and Sadie are gonna go shoot now so you can stay right here and watch. Millie said as she started walking away. I was lost in my thoughts thinking "what the hell why did I stutter? I'm so so stupid she probably thinks I'm stupid too and what's this feeling in my stomach? Is is normal? Should I tell someone? Should I tell Millie? I got pulled out of my thoughts when I heard that Director say "Cut!" And then Millie and Sadie started to walk towards me and I just smiled at Millie and her as Millie said wasn't that amazing yn! Anyways I got to do some more shooting but if you don't want to just stand here anymore you can like go explore or something Millie said. Okay thanks. I said walking out of the green screen room.

A/N- I think this is a perfect way to end chap 1 Bc why not and sorry if it's not that good but I hope you liked this one:)

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