Falling For You Chapter 1

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Zayn's P.O.V

I was sitting in class talking to my two best friends Liam and Harry. Everyone in the class stopped talking as soon as they saw the teacher walk in and with her she had a student that I hadn't seen before. She looked at us and said,

"Class this is Niall he came from Ireland." I looked up and saw him he was beautiful, Wait a minute there, I thought to myself, I can't go thinking that a guy is beautiful I'm straight I'm not gay or am I?

Niall's P.O.V

After math I went to my next class which was English I liked English always have always will along with music and Spanish class. After English was done it was time for lunch that was when I realized I had no one to sit with. Well I saw an empty table at the back of the cafeteria that's when I saw him again the boy from my 1st period class and his gang. Then I saw a boy probably just a little older than me and I noticed that he was coming toward my table. As soon as he sat down I could tell that he was a nice lad. He looked at me and said, "I think your in my English class and you looked kinda lonely over here so I came over here and here I am now oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself I'm Louis." He stuck out his hand and I shook it and said, "I'm Niall." After that day forward we were best mates and we told each other everything from who we liked and other little things like that. Well first off Louis told me who to stay away from and other things like that.

One day while sitting in the lunchroom I decided it was time to tell Lou my biggest secret. That I'm gay. Yes I know what your thinking OMG Louis probably won't want to hang out with you anymore, but I'm thinking the exact opposite because I feel something different whenever I'm around Lou. I'm not saying that he is gay what I'm trying to say is that I feel like if I tell him he will understand. So as soon as Lou comes and sits down at our table I look at him and say, "Lou I need to tell you something that I should have told you a while ago." He looks at me with a look that says go on. So I muster up all of my courage and say to him, "Lou I'm gay." His face doesn't read any form of shock, disgust, or anger for not telling him sooner but what it does read is understanding. See I told you he understands me. His next question is one that shocks me the most, "Who do you like Nialler?" "Promise me you get mad ok Lou?" "I won't get mad I promise." Okay here goes nothing, "I like Zayn." This time when I look at him he is smiling now I'm starting to think he's gone crazy. Next thing I know is that he is whisper-yelling to me, "I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!" "Wait how did you know Lou I've never told anyone." "The way you look at him says it all." "But Lou I'm afraid that he doesn't like me back." "We'll you never know he might." Then I started thinking is it possible could the Bradford Bad Boy like me then again last time I checked this guy is straight and I don't think he could ever like me.


A/N- first Ziall fanfic hope y'all like it. Who knows maybe Zayn does like little Nialler but then again you have to keep reading to find out. Please follow me on Twitter my username is @MeganHardy16 also if you want to be featured in my other fanfic called A Twist of Fate as Zayn's gf please comment on my other story and I will make sure to include you in my story. If you want me to update my other story soon all of you little leprechauns please follow my good friends on Twitter @Real_Megan_Maul, @BYE1DsLilMixer, and @MadiHeart98, and yes you guys are all going to be my little leprechauns just because I can't think of anything else to call you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2013 ⏰

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