Prologue Reveal and leaving Kuoh academy

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Shadow here and if you can read the title that is the one which had the most votes so I'm sorry for those who choose the other titles

Without further a do let the prologue begin

3rd POV

Within Kuoh Japan is a normal everyday student who goes to kuoh academy

This student is Y/N L/N who is your average student or so one would believe

For Y/N is the son of the Omni King Zeno of whom rules the multiverse

Right Now Y/N is speaking with one of the teachers for help on a certain question

Y/N:So as you can see Ms Mithra I am a bit stumped on if I answered the question right or not

Mithra:Allow me to see what you selected as your answer for the question Mr L/N

Y/N hands his test paper which Ms Mithra looks over with her teacher answer sheet as she carefully looks over the answer

Mithra:Well Mr L/N it would seem that you answer the question correctly

Y/N:Right thank you Ms Mithra

Mithra:Your quite welcome but now I suggest you go to your next class you wouldn't want the others starting rumors of the two of us now would we?

Y/N:Yes ma'am! (Telepathically) seriously Towa thanks for being around while I attend this academy

Mithra: (Telepathically) your quite welcome your highness now get going or you'll upset Mira and Bardock you know how they get when someone is late to their class

Y/N: (telepathically) Right see you after school Towa

Y/N runs out of the classroom and heads to where the p.e class is held

But as he is running to his next class his Omni hearing picks up something he wishes he didn't hear

Y/N: (Thoughts) they both can't be doing that to me could they?

Y/N thinks to himself as he runs to p.e class

After arriving a minute before the bell rings Y/N is greeted by one of the p.e teachers

Richard:You was just about late Mr L/N

Y/N: Sorry sir but I had to speak with Ms Mithra about something

Bardock:None the less you was just about late to class... Now go get into your p.e clothes and report to the gymnasium as class will be held there

Y/N:Yes sir

Y/N quickly runs to the locker room as Richard and Bardock head to the gym with the rest of the class

After getting dressed Y/N runs over to the gym where he stands with his other class mates

Richard:Good your here now let's begin with roll call

The role call goes as normal until Richard and Bardock stopping at one name of the student list

Bardock:Hyoudou? Has anyone seen Hyoudou?!

Y/N raises his hand

Bardock:Yes Mr L/N do you know where Mr Hyoudou is?

Y/N: Actually I may have heard some noises coming from within the academy which I was barely able to make out Issei Hyoudou's voice

Richard:where exactly did you hear this?

Y/N:I think he was in one of the empty classrooms but I am not entirely sure if I'm right about what I'm saying Mr Richard

Richard:None the less you did the right thing telling myself and Mr Bardock about what your classmate may or may not be doing

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