Exhausted 💖 Alex POV

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Exhausted || Alex POV

"Oh!" I mumbled, putting my head down on my desk

I feel very stressed. I have to do stuff for youtube, I gotta take care of the squad, and I have to pay taxes. There's so much I gotta do

"Hey!" That startled me. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you!" It was Levi

"It's fine," I said, turning to my computer to do more work

"Don't you think you should take a break? You've been working on editing for the past 2 hours!" Levi said, I think he could tell I was stressed

"I wish, but I gotta get this video done, otherwise, I'll disappoint the fans and…"

"No, take a break," Levi said with a tone "The fans will understand"

"Will they?" I asked, concerned

"Yes, sure they'll be some panicking going on, but they'll be some understanding"

"Alright, I'll take a break" I agreed

Who knew, there are people out there who care

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