The Realize

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Tiffany: Why do I always feel like I'm being watched?

Brittny: I thought I was just paranoid, because I feel the same way.

???: Oh no, they're onto us.

????: What should we do?

???: I am not quite sure.

Brittny: We should find a way to get home because this does not feel like the real world.

Tiffany: What's the plan boss?

Brittny: Why are you calling me boss?

Tiffany: I don't know, I thought it would be funny.

Brittny: We don't have time to be silly, we need a plan to get out.

Tiffany: fine.

???: We need to stop them now!

????: Whats the plan boss?

???: Well, we need to figure it out!

Tiffany: Carlose, wake up!

Carlose: 5 more minutes.

Tiffany: I will give you candy.

Carlose: Okay, I'm awake.

Brittny: Can we do this later, we don't know how long it will take for the watcher to know we are onto them.

Carlose: Okay, can I at least get my candy first?

Tiffany: Fine, here you go

Carlose: Cookie.

Brittny: You act like your 4.

Carlose: Rude, I'm 6 not 4 there is a big diffrence.

Brittny: Wow 2 years such a massive diffrence.

Tiffany: Brit, your the one trying to hurry us up, now you stalling!

Brittny: Okay, fine lets go.

???: We have to find a way to stop them.

??: What is going on out here?

????: The girls, the girls are figuring it out.

??: Oh no.

???: We need a plan. We have to stop them now.

Tiffany: Do you guys have any idea on where to start?

Carlose: No clue.

Brittny: Lets look for some clues.

Tiffany: Okay, should we split up?

Carlose: Yes that way we can cover more ground.

Tiffany: Alright, I will go over here.

Brittny: Lets meet back here in 15 minutes.

~They all look around for some clues on a way to get out of the fake world.~

~Fifteen minutes later~

Tiffany: Anything?

Brittny: I found a box.

Carlose: I found nothing.

Brittny: What did you find?

Tiffany: I found like plastic letters or somthing I am not sure.

Carlose: Does anyone else feel like this is just a big escape room that we are trying to get out of? Maybe we can ask for a clue.

Tiffany: I mean maybe, but probly not. Why don't you give it a try.

Carlose: Okie, hey can we ge-

Brittny: Does anyone else want to see what is inside this box?

Tiffany: I do.

Carlose: You cut me off.

Brittny: You really think they are going to give us a clue? We need to keep working to get out as we do not know how long we have before they send us back to the start while changing the path we took to get here.

Carlose: Well its worth a shot to try.

Tiffany: Brit, there is  no point trying to stop him, if he has a plan he will go though with the plan no matter what it takes.

Brittny: Fine, give it a try but don't come crying to me when it fails.

Carlose: I'm a man, I don't cry.

Tiffany: I don't mean to burst your bubble but I saw you crying about an hour ago.

Carlose: Be quiet, you told me you would not tell anyone.

Tiffany: Sorry you gave me the perfect chance and I had to take it.

Carlose: Fair

Brittny: Can we just get this over with.

Carlose: Okay, Hey people can we get a hint please?

???: Umm how about, no.

Carlose: Okay ~starts tearing up~

Brittny: BAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAH. Okay can we get working now?

Tiffany: Well now thats over with lets, find out what the heck is in this dam box already!

Brittny: Finaly someone actually wants to get out of here. ~Glares at Carlose~

Carlose: What, sorry I was just trying it out.

Tiffany: Just open the box please!

Carlose: Let me go to the bathroom first.

Tiffany: Carlose!

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