Late Night Smokes (Natasha Lyonne)

327 8 35

Creds/Requested by: @CutelyObsessingg

Y/N's Pov:

Tears coated my phone screen as I tried to get my boyfriend to answer. Well, boyfriend?
All I could do was try. Suddenly my messages stopped going through, and I refreshed on his account only to realize he blocked me.


The last message he sent was a breakup text and I didn't want to lose him but he couldn't care less about losing me. I stuffed my phone in my pocket, silent sobs echoing through the vacant dimly lit streets. I came across a park bench and I saw a shadowy woman, smoking a cigarette in the distance.

Please don't be some killer.

I tried to wipe my face, and I checked my phone again. It's 3:45 am, why is this lady out here? Before anything else could happen I heard a scratchy voice pipe up in front of me.

"Hey, darling, what's wrong with you?"

My dull green eyes met her piercing green eyes and I stumbled over my words. "I-im sorry, what?"
She laughed a little and I couldn't tell if it was for me or at me, and she flicked her almost finished cigarette and reached for the pack in her pocket. "You look like you need a laugh, maybe a cigarette, eh? You should be grabbing life by the balls, not letting life grab YOU by the honkers. Alright let me know, is it a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a fuck buddy?."

"No, I don't smoke thank you..but it's my boyfriend..well, ex I think.. " I mumbled softly.
"Aw, c'mon, loosen up, hun. Here, take this." She said as she put a cigarette between my lips, lighting it with a match and smiling all dorky. "Ya ever smoked one of these before?" She said, her scratchy voice starting to become soothing to my hysteric mind. I shook my head no, feeling the heat of the cigarette near my face. "Alright, what I want you to do is start small okay, don't let it choke ya. Take a small inhale but hold it in your cheeks, don't let it hit your lungs yet."

I did just that, the rough feeling smoke against my cheeks. "Blow it out, you don't wanna cough and drop the ciggarette." She said and I almost coughed trying to figure out how to blow it out without blowing the cigarette away too. After a few trial runs of this, we got into the real smoking. The first inhale was so rough on my throat, and I instantly coughed, almost dropping the cigarette. "Eh, don't try to be me rookie. Hold your cigarette." She said with a chuckle.

Eventually I got it all down, getting used to the rough smoke awfully quick but not really. She lit her own cigarette and took a few puffs, sitting on the bench and motioning for me to sit beside her. I plopped down, flicking the long ash off of the end of my cigarette.  "Now, what's on your mind, eh? Gonna tell a girl or you gonna let her sit with the fact she gave a stranger a cigarette for no reason?" She said while blowing out smoke, cigarette held firmly in her stained red lips. " boyfriend and into a big fight and well, he broke up with me. He said I wasn't 'his type anymore' all because I found out he was cheating on me with my best friend."

"Eh, ipso-facto, who cares. Men will be men, amiright? They suck fat ones in hell. Look, you're a pretty young thing, don't let this ruin your life while you're young. Have fun, party, enjoy yourself! Fuck that guy." She said, patting my shoulder gently. "You got a place tonight?"
I could only feel myself smile, no longer upset about the recent events. "No, actually..I was living with my ex.." I mumbled, looking around as I noticed the greying of the clouds. In this moment it all felt and smelled like it was going to rain, worms wriggling out wildly before it even started to drip any rain. "Ah, you're coming with me, c'mon." She flicked her cigarette and helped me up from the bench, interlocking our arms. "You can live with me for the time being, I ain't got nothing better to do." I squeezed her arm with mine, her jacket such a nice sensory against my skin. "So what's your eh, what's it called,  what do you GO by?" She said as we walked along the brick pathway. " name?" I said, a little confused. "Yeah that and what do I call ya, girl, boy, neither, ipso-facto, ya know what I mean?" She laughed hoarsely. "Oh yeah..pronouns! I'm Y/N, and use they and them for me please." I smiled, happy that someone older than me was so respectful.

Lightning struck the sky a bright white and thunder clapped soon after. "We better get a move on eh? Huddle in the cracks like a cockaroach." She said with a gleaming smile and a shine in her green eyes. After such a close moment with her, her eyes were no longer as piercing, but now a soft glow. Another loud boom erupted all around us from the skies and as if on cue, a downpour crashed down on us. We squealed and laughed, her shielding me with her jacket as we rushed to an apartment.


From that moment on, I just moved in with her. She helped me grab my stuff from my ex boyfriends house, and I developed a nicotine addiction from sharing cigarette packs with her.

I never did think of my ex again, and I'm happy without him now.

[Author's note]

AHHHH hello!! I loved making this request and I'm so happy to have written this.

Creds to @CutelyObsessingg again for the idea and thank you for the freedom I was given aside from the requested theme and stuff!! I really hope you love this as much as I loved writing it!!

Feel free to vote, comment, request, or dm me!

   Tommy Orion <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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