Chapter 7

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Momo sat down with us and start opening a conversation, "guys i'm really sorry if my friends weren't here yet" Momo apologized

"No, it's okay momo-yah. It's really cozy here, i really like your house" Mina said  i took a glaze on nayeon and dahyun, i think their thinking the same.

Momo gives a smile and scratched the back of her neck, "thanks mina, you're doing ballet along with sana right? I bet your really good at it" Momo added

Are they indirectly flirting with each other?

"Oh i'm not that good momoring, but if you want i can show you my skills sometime" oh god she's clearly flirting with momo

Momo was about to answer her but the doorbell suddenly rang, momo smile and excused herself.

This gives us time to confront mina, "Mina what the fuck are you doing?" Nayeon said facing mina

"What do you mean?" She innocently replied

"Don't play stupid you know what we're talking about, why are you trying to flirt wih momo? Really mina, with my best friend?" I said as she chuckled

"I am not flirting okay, i just find her interesting that's all"

"I'm really gonna slap this bitch" nayeon said making us laugh

Dahyun was just quiet, Nayeon and I knows that she likes mina. But she don't want to confess to her because she don't want to ruin the friendship they have.

"Hey guys, sorry if they too long. Guys please sit down" Momo said to her friends, as they sit down I noticed one of momo's friends is looking at nayeon, not in a creepy way though. I think momo noticed it too


As i watched them sitting down, i noticed jeongyeon is looking weirdly on nayeon. I smacked her head and whisper to her, "Don't act creepy you bastard, i know she's gorgeous but you don't have to stare at her like that mother fucker" I said and smile at her as if i was just talking to her casual

I sat down next to jihyo.

"Do you guys are like drinking? I can offer wine or any alcohol you like, besides it's Saturday tomorrow" Jeongyeon said she's clearly showing off to nayeon.

"She's so unbelievable" Jihyo whisper to me and i had to laugh

"We don't really drink much but it's cool, what do you guys think? Should we?" Nayeon asked her friends

Jeongyeon smiled, I badly wanna smack this bitch. "Come on guys this gonna be fun, and we can play some games if you want. We really want to be friends with you" Jeongyeon stated

"More likely wanna know her more" Chaeyoung whispers and i'm trying my best not to laugh. Imma kill this mother fucker

"I'm in" Mina said looking at me

I smirked and looked down "if mina's in then i'm in" dahyun said as she shrugged her shoulders

"I'm g" Chaeyoung and Jihyo said

We looked at Sana and Nayeon, waiting for their answers. "Well i guess we're in too" Nayeon said making Jeongyeon smile

"Okay, let's start this shit" The ostrich said

"Momo-yah do you have alcohol here?" I shook my head, "i'm not a drinker why would I have alcohol in my house" I said standing up,

and picking up my car keys "Come on jeong, let's just pick up some goodies"

"Why me? Just bring Chaeyoung with you" she said whining. "I'm gonna count to 3 if i went outside and you didn't come I'm gonna shoved my cars keys right up to your ass" That makes my friends laugh

I take my hoodie with me, it freezing outside "we'll be back guys, feel yourselves comfortable. And if you're hungry just look in the fridge" i bid my goodbye to them

I was about to go out when Sana called out my name "momoring" she run to me like a baby, she's approaching me but she tripped.

Luckily i catches her, "what did i tell you about running, you never listen to me. You know it yourself that you're really clumsy right?" I scolded her like i was her mom

"Hihi sorry momoring, can you also please pick up some ice cream? I'm craving for it" she requested

"Okay, okay. Does anyone wants anything besides alcohol and goodies?" No one responds, "I'll take that as a Yes"

I let go of Sana and start walking to Jihyo, I love teasing her a lot she's so cute when she's pissed "how about you baby, do you want anything?" I said and carries her hair

I look at Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung who's stopping themselves from laughing because of jihyo's reaction

"How come you call jihyo baby and i didn't" Sana complains and start acting like tearing up

We had to laugh at her, "come on Jeongyeon, let's get going" we leave the house and start driving to the nearest convince store

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