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Quite honestly, school only slows down young people in their development. Instead of gaining experience, learning new things that we really need in our lives, we sit in old-fashioned houses, with old-fashoned room's,  in uncomfortable armchairs and stare at a teacher who went through te same bullshit and now tries  to teach us as mich as posible in a to short amound of time just so that we can throw it up on a piece of paper in the next Exam. And at the end we get a piece of paper in our hands telling us how well we've memorised things we'll never need again in life.

I don't get it, they say "you're young, go out and experience something, have experiences", but then they tie us to desks and give us tasks that never seem to end and you try in vain to gasp for air, to come to the surface and reach the end of the eternal oppression, but then comes a new, even bigger wave of tasks that pushes you back down into the depths and when you finally reach the end of the tasks, it's too late.

Either you haven't even made it that far and have already given up, or you make it and are punished with nasty looks because you don't get out of this sea of school stress, exestesielenkriesen and emotional and Phrygian hell with an A average.

People still wonder why young people are the way they are these days?

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