Where's Leah? (Pt.1)

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(Leah's POV)

The girls are playing against Spain today as a friendly and I am not even on the subs bench. Neither is Keira. I can't remember off the top of my head but some of the other girls are being rested, but I do know Jordan, Lucy and Beth are all playing today. But it's nice because it gives some of the younger ones a chance.

Leah: "hey babe, are you excited for today's game?"
Jordan: "I am thank you, but I'm sad my baby is not there with me."
Leah: "it's okay. It's quite good anyway because my head and stomach are still sore after you know.."

Leah looks down to the floor. Jordan leans closer to Leah and lifts her chin up.

Jordan: "look at me. Forget about what happened. I'm here now and I'm not going to let anything happen to you."
Leah: "Aw thank you. Love you."
Jordan: "love you too."

Beth: "alright you two. That's enough. We have got to get ready."
Leah: "shhhhh you are just jealous."
Beth: "fuck no. I've got my Vivi."
Leah: "I don't see her.."
Beth: "shut your mouth."
Leah: "ahahahah... no but seriously. You wish you had such an amazing girlfriend like me."
Beth: "girlfriend?"

*Jordan blushes*

Leah: "oh um shit. You just wish you had a Jordan in your life."
Beth: "sure whatever you say."

(Leah's mind) well done Leah.

Lucy, Jordan and Beth all start getting ready for the match whilst me and Keira are just lounging around. I look over to see Jordan still blushing. She would make a good girlfriend to be honest.

1 hour later..

Beth: "alright guys, we are going to go now."
Lucy: "Yeah, let's go."

Jordan kisses Leah goodbye.

Jordan: "bye baby. See you soon!"
Leah: "go out and smash it my love."
Keira: "why are we not like this Lucy? They are so cute."
Lucy: "young love baby. Young love."
Leah: "um shut up. You are just jealous me and Jordan are so good together."

Jordan blows a kiss to Leah.

Lucy: "hmm. Bye Keira! Love you!!"
Keira: "there we go. Love you too babe."

Beth starts singing.

"I've never felt so alone. Felt so alone, no, no."
Leah: "ahahahah aw Beth. It's okay. I bet Viv misses you too. Maybe give her a call later and see what she's up too."
Beth: "Yeah I should do. Thanks Le."
Leah: "anytime Beffy."

Jordan, Lucy and Beth walk out the door whilst Leah and Keira set up the tv ready to watch England smash Spain.

Leah: "So Kei, what do you want to do?"
Keira: "the game doesn't start for an hour so do you maybe wanna go grab a coffee?"
Leah: "I would love Kei, but I'm in quite a bit of pain so maybe we can get a takeaway cause I'm quite hungry."
Keira: "Yeah, no problem Leah. I'll get it at the gate when it arrives."
Leah: "lifesaver!"

Keira chuckles.

Half an hour later...

Keira: "alright Le, I'm going to go and get the food."
Leah: "no probs see you in a bit."
Keira: "cya!"

Keira runs to the lobby where the delivery man is waiting.

Keira: "Ah, thank you so much!"

As Keira is about to get into the lift..

Coach: "uh Keira! What is that you have? (sarcastically)"
Keira: "uh-uh well.... it's me and Leah's lunch.... Let's call it.. a cheat meal!Because we are not playing."
Coach: "I'm just messing with you. Go on. Scram. Enjoy it!"
Keira: "oh ahhahah. Thank you coach!"

Keira gets in the lift and heads back to Leah.

Leah: "ugh. Thank the holy food lords. I was about to die from lack of food intake."
Keira: "oh Leah, such a drama queen."
Leah: "no but seriously. Not joking."
Keira: "lets just eat. The game is going to start soon."
Leah: "ooo okay!"

20 minutes later..

Leah: "um Keira.... I have a question for you."
Keira: "Okay, what's up le?"
Leah: "how did you and Lucy know when to become girlfriend and girlfriend?"
Keira: "well. Let's see. Lucy was the best thing that ever happened to me. As soon as I saw her I pretty much knew we were meant to be. I guess as time went on we grew closer and more compatible, so Lucy actually asked me, even though I was going to anyways, but I guess we just knew."
Leah: "oh okay thank you Keira!"
Keira: "anytime le. Was this because of Jordan?"
Leah: "yes I really really want her to be my girlfriend."
Keira: "Ahh. But do it when your heart feels right not just your head."

Leah smiles.

After a bit more chatting.. the game finally kicks off!

Leah: "oooo I'm so excited. I hope my Jordan does well . Oh and Beth and Lucy as well of course!"
Keira: "ahhaha Yes, I hope so too."

Hi everyone! Sorry for being away so long. I've just been mad busy so it's been a while since I could have written. I hope you are all doing okay though! :))

Also, Sorry to add another part to this I just don't want it to be too long then I end up boring you all and also break my fingers for writing too much!! Anyways.. the next part will be posted soon, but I go away on the 1st of August so I may be limited.

Have a great rest of the day/ evening!


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