Cigarettes and Ice creams

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In the dead of the dark night I lazily walked to the balcony and stood there watching the lonely moon and the dim lights glitching on the street lamp posts.. I took out a cigarette from my front pocket and started puffing out the smoke. Within no time my mind wandered off to those painful memories and tears prickled down my eyes no matter how many times i wipped them off they would still manage a way to flood. It was how life has gotten these days so depressing and so lonely , this was my daily routine every night i would come in the balcony often and cry my heart out loneliness eats me up but sometimes its calming. Someone walked towards me as a hand pulled my shoulders to make me face them looking up with my teary eyes i see the man I wished was here with me. His presence looked so real , his god like features were shinig more under the moon "This isnt who you are" he whispered with his oh so perfect lips and stared at me with his angelic eyes "this isnt what you want" .. he took out the cigarette and threw it away. My lips trembled before answering "you are right this isnt who i am but this is what i hv become after you left" he tilted his head and smiled as he spoke "I'm right here love" I couldn't hold myself as i started crying again "No Bang Christopher Chan you are not here with me tell me why just why you had to leave me alone in this cruel world cant you see i cant live without you ? Why didnt you take me with you? was it that hard ? no matter how many times i apologies you wont ever come back right ? You left me when you said you wouldn't .. You broke your promise Chris .. Its all my fault that i cant hold you in my arms now its all my stupid dumbness that caused all of this right? Im so sorry Chris im so sorry i deeply apologise pls come back its hard here without you i feel like i cant breathe properly this loneliness is killing me inside and outside both.. Id do anything to have you back but i know nothing would get me back to you .. I dont deserve to live , i dont deserve the life you sacrificed for me. Know one thing Chris i cant ever love someone like you neither i ever would .. i would die with your name craving on my heart" and with that she passed away in my arms .. picking her up i tucked her in our shared bed as i looked at her broken yet beautiful face sleeping so peacefully without me knowing a smile made towards my lips I shifted my gaze to see the engagement ring on both on our hands.. nothing could make us apart.

5 months ago

"My love Im ready" .. the girl with black straight hair looked up from her phone to see her love.. oh he looked so gorgeous with casuals on. He walked up to me as he said "you look so pretty tonight .. you look pretty everyday but today its just different" .. i smiled as i said "says by the gorgeous visual himself" with that we began walking towards the movie theater. It was their anniversary they were celebrating it. After the movie the couples were walking towards home when the girl spotted an ice cream shop without hesitation she started walking towards the shop which is situated on the other side of the road when Chan pulled her back in a hug and said "my lady I'm paying" just when she was about to refuse he spoke "no buts" and shoved his card in her hand. She sighed and walked towards the ice cream shop buying her ice cream she was happily returning back to chan when a car came towards her at a full speed and.

"And that's how the accident happened" he spoke to someone with his red swollen eyes. And that someone was none other than her mother hearing that her mother started shedding tears for her daughter again. They both were in hospital Chan immediately called out for help and as soon as he could he admitted her to the closest hospital. He didn't forget to inform her only parent her mother.. her father left them for another woman. Chan stayed the whole night there for her waiting for her. "you will protect me right?" her fragile voice spoke so softly to him. Chan woke up from his dreams as he started crying again "no honey I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you". The next morning doctor came up to him as he informed him that she was out of danger but she was in a coma and they can't assure him that she will ever wake up or not. He dialed his mother in law's number and informed her .. her reply did sounded like she was relieved that she survived but she was also hurt about her current situation. After begging alot of times the nurses finally allowed him to have 2 minutes with her. "Love..look I'm here" he knew he wont get a response but still waited before he spoke again "it's my fault love I couldn't protect you I was helplessly standing there watching you die .. pathetic ryt ? I know i am". Everyday he would visit her with her favourite flowers and cry his heart out to her along with that he would constantly apologise two months passed away still no progress was seen. That night Chan was sent home by the doctor himself as he wasn't in a good condition.. Silent tears were dropping on his face when he walked towards the bed , he saw a picture of him and her together looking so happy holding hands framed up so nicely. He smashed the frame into pieces he couldn't hold his anger he broke the tv and threw the lamps smashed his favourite guitar. He was angry , angry on himself for not being able to protect her. He went out to the bar and drank until he couldn't see or think properly.. he was asked to leave as the bar was closing .. he walked back to their shared apartment and looked at the mess .. he sat on the balcony chair and his mind wandered off to what his mother in law said to him "my son .. you and my daughter is all that I have I won't be able to live if any of you leave me.." I laughed as I looked at my engagement ring .. "I don't worth her if I can't be there for her" without thinking much I stand up from the chair as I made my way to the front.. and for the last time I looked at the moon who reminded me of her for the last time and jumped.

He was found dead , he died with her memory tattooed on his chest ..the next morning by his neighbours. His family was there crying until their eyes had no tears left and his mother in law? As she said the pain was too much to handle due to her age and the sudden pain she passed away at the age of 72. Both Chan and her mother left her , she woke up to the news of both of their death. As expected she cried and got weaker in days she couldn't just move on and start a new life.. she didn't wanted to be apart from him everything about their shared apartment reminded her of him. Her everything got taken away and she has to accept the way it was. She got depressed as she started smoking her eye bags and petite body explains that she skipped meals and couldn't sleep for days. Every night she would go in the balcony as the memories would overflow through her eyes. She would look at the finger where her engagement ring stays and cry. That was her new life but she couldn't do anything about it all she did was blame herself everyday.

End of past

She woke up to see herself in the bed .. waking up she couldn't remember a thing about last night she tried and tried but couldn't remember anything. "Maybe I walked back to bed to sleep" with that she went to work.

He giggled and said "Don't blame yourself for my death .. I died so you can live for me.. my love even death couldn't keep us apart .. we are made for eachother I'll surely wait for you even if the whole world changes nothing can change my love towards you. I promise you that I will forever love you"

The End.

Words - 1470
Member - Bangchan
Warning - Death of characters

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