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You always felt like this. Unwanted. Unneeded. Completely useless. Your quirk, amphiptere, not only gave you the features & abilities of a snake, including replacing the majority of your legs with a snake tail but also gave you a pair of wings. You were quite a sight. Unfortunately, most times it was not in the best way. When you first met Eraserhead & Present Mic, they had rescued you from a bunch of people who were threatening you. When they consulted you, it ended up slipping that you were quite used to this. After that, you soon found yourself in their home, which now belonged to you as well. You have been nothing but thankful since, & had since harboured feelings for the pair. However, you had not dared to say anything about these feelings towards them, in fear they were not returned.

As thanks for helping you out, you had taken it upon yourself to become their "maid". You cooked, cleaned, & repaired anything you could for them. On more than one occasion, you had also watched Eri for them. You loved that girl, your heart squeezing every time she smiled or laughed. They admired you quite a bit for this. But over time, you noticed something. They belonged... & you didn't. Everyone was fit, everyone had scars from epic battles, and everyone did something significant, but you didn't. At first, you wiped these feelings away, knowing that they had been through a lot, hence why they have the scars in the first place, but as the days went by, you longed to have those things happen to you as well. You longed to become a part of them, & one day, it took control. It was far from the best of days, that was for certain. Everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. There was simply too much to list. But, the worst came at the end of the day, when Aizawa & Hizashi returned home. They too must have had a rough day, because soon after they returned, the three of you broke out in a nasty fight. You couldn't remember the details; you were sure that the reason was insignificant, but it got to you. Both had mainly fought with you. You were the outsider. You were the anomaly. You were bad. So when the two returned to work the next day, you left. You had only packed a simple bag. A couple of outfits, your overnight bag, your wallet & some water. Other than your phone & headphones, that's all you had. You hid your key on the property, after locking everything up. You took a bus outside the city as well, so there was no trail. By the time you calculated they would have noticed your absence, you would be far far away. You didn't want to burden them anymore. If you got far enough, they wouldn't be shamed by the media either, & if you did get caught by the police, well... you did leave on your terms. It was perfect. By now, you were hours away from their home. Middle of the night, middle of nowhere. You had found shelter in an abandoned building, setting up a small fire on its cold concrete floor. You curled yourself around the flame, using the end of your tail as a pillow, & wings as a blanket. You were sure that you had already picked up a tick or two. That was going to be an ass to deal with. You could probably find a river nearby to deal with them, though you'd have to wait till sunrise. Your eyes slowly closed, & your mind slowly drifted. God, you were a freak. Why did you ever exist in the first place?...As you woke, you didn't feel the fire anymore. No, there was something else keeping you warm. You liked it. You shifted around. Something was pressing against your back. You liked it. You heard a rhythmic thumping in your right ear. You liked it. You peered up to see a snoring, black-haired man. You didn't like that. You shot up from your place, hearing a squeal from behind. You looked behind to see a head of long blond hair. You didn't like that. You yelped as you flicked your tail, tossing him back & off you. Suddenly a pair of arms shot out from behind you & clasped on your chest. Before you could even speak you felt a pair of lips on your shoulder. You couldn't help but freeze up. Yamada rose from the floor. "What was that for?" he asked, with his tone indicating he was pissed. "I- I could ask you the same thing! How did you find me?" you questioned back. How could they have found you so easily? There was no way to find you in such a short amount of time. "You aren't exactly subtle," replied Shota, as he lifted one of your wings. He was just barely able to keep his eyes open. "Between your (f/c) wings & your (f/s) tail, you were easily identifiable. I'm surprised you made it that far though." he mumbled into the crook of your neck, kissing it once again. You softly moaned when his lips made contact; you could never get used to something like that. Suddenly you felt a shifting in front of you. Zashi had climbed back onto the bed. "Don't do that ever again, little listener!" he whined. "We thought that somebody broke in & kidnapped you! Every minute that went by we thought that you were even closer to death! You scared the living daylights out of us! Why would you even do that y/n?" Mic asked. It was very evident how worried he was. Both men stood still, awaiting your response. You didn't say anything, just looked down. Tears pricked your eyes. You didn't know why either; they did nothing but love you & accept you, but you always thought otherwise. Your mentality forced you to believe in lies, & made the truth look like nothing but fantasy. Suddenly you felt another pair of arms around you. "Please... just don't do that ever again. We don't want to lose you..." Yamada whispered as he pulled himself closer. "We... we love you." Your eyes widened at the statement. They... loved you? Like, love, loved you? Like wanting to be in a relationship with you, love? Like, want you to bear their children, love? Like-"Ah!" you yelped as you were pulled down against Shota. "Sho!" Zashi scolded, crawling back into his spot on your back. "You ruined the moment!" "I want to go back to sleep. It's 4:30 am on a Sunday." He angrily whispered back before snuggling up with you. You couldn't help but giggle before snuggling up with him. You were wrong. You can be loved. You are loved. And you'll never forget that ever again.

Erasermic x Insecure! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now