Chapter Two

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My hands wrap around my mug lost in thought as I wandered into the heart of town. The winter whisks away fall so quickly and the memory of autumn leaves were now frozen in snow banks on the sides of roads. The snow crunches under the weight of my feet while I trek the pavement. The only thing on my agenda today was to check out the new stationary store and peruse around town in hopes to find some Christmas gifts. The store had opened last month and I finally needed to re-stock for work, the slowness of the town was a signal for a smooth and solitude day of shopping. I finish my drink and enter the store. I begin to shop for my supplies, pens, pencils, cute notebooks, post it notes and a planner for next year. A joyous thrill enters me, for some reason new stationary motivated me especially as the holidays rolled around - feeling organized before a new year was always needed. A head start. I hover towards the queue and catch eyes with the cashier. HANDSOME STRANGER from the movies is right there. Their eyes lock into mine despite being occupied by another customer - their eyes do not stray away from mine at all. I didn't realize under the cinema lighting actually how beautiful they were - a cheeky grin formed when they caught me staring back. The grin oozed both arrogance and confidence at the same time. I find myself feeling self-conscious under their intense stare. Looking down at my feet I try to compose myself and the blush forming on my cheeks. Bracing myself for the awkwardness that I would create in this atmosphere, I tell myself to be confident. I usually am but for some reason my nerves are getting the best of me right now and they seem so cool and collected. I feel intimidated by their presence - it feels as if they hold the entire world and moon on their fingertips, almost magical. They finish up with the customer in front of me and I am summoned to my fate.

"Next customer please," they hummed.

Shuffling forward, I place my basket of items onto the counter with a loud thud which states my presence.

"It looks like you've found everything you need today," they say with a wink. I simply shrug, words fail to leave my lips.

They unpack my basket and a grin never leaves their face; the beep of items being scanned breaks the silent tension building around us. Stealing glances at each other seemed to be a game at this point and each item was scanned slowly and almost seductively. My gaze wandered down from their face towards their blue work shirt which seemed to hug their broad shoulders and defined their chest. I watched their chest rise up and down as they breathed, making their muscles flex. Who pulls off wearing a work shirt like that? I sigh loudly.

They look up from their work and smile noticing that I had been staring at them. Snapping into flight mode I begin to look through my bag as if it is the most interesting and engaging item in the entire universe.

"What's your name?" they leaned over the counter with their elbow, hand supporting their head which was cocked to the side. With a perplexing smile similar to the masked singers.

Stuttering like a fool, I only managed to get out one word, "Huh?" I was expecting the question of cash or credit, not my name.

"You know...what you're referred to as?" they let out a deep chuckle. The back of my neck tingles.

The sound of a tapping foot behind me entered the room, looking behind me a forming red faced customer glared deeply into my soul, the next customer was not appreciating the slow service. Turning back, I try to not laugh at the humour of the situation - why did I forget that others existed around us? I recite my name back to them while paying for my items. Their hand brushes mine as I hand over the money, electric shock waves fill my body through this small touch; it almost feels like magic. Before I could grab a chance to learn their name, I was handed my bag and pushed with a nudge to the side by the angry customer behind me. Leaving the store I hear a gentle hum of the handsome strangers voice:
"It was great seeing you again," they wink as the automatic doors close in front of me creating a see-through wall between us. Looking at the receipt on my way home I noticed that it was signed with one simple letter: J. You could've written your entire name J, but for some reason the thrill of small clues on who this person sent excitement down my spine.

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