➜﹒𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐁𝐘𝐄 ── 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐱 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐟 , 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 ‹𝟹

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➜ 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐁𝐘𝐄 ── 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 ‹𝟹 .


──── ﹔WINTERY snow covered the grass beneath it. Snowflakes and snow still fell, covering open areas within the mountains. It was empty. So very empty. Only a train track was there, but.. where was the train?

As the snow continued to fall, it was then splattered with curor. Deep rufescent color contrasting the pasty snow that was just perfect. The blood was seeping into the ground, dirtying and ruining its color. The liquid was coming from a person.

Not one, but two. Two men who were just on the Nord Express, on the way to London. It seems their trip there has come to an end, unfortunately, due to recent events, and it seems that both men were wielding a gun at this matter. A gunshot echoed throughout the dark desolate area that they were stranded in. The gun shot towards the shorter male, Sheriff. Right into his lower abdomen, the sudden bullet impaling him.

Coughing out blood in an instant. "HHAK— ACHK!" The rufescent, going into his clothing. It burns a hole, making it completely grisly as he holds his now wounded area. Losing blood, fast. He's infirm. He can't continue on. Lowering himself into the snow, baring the cold. Oh, how bad it was just to have your uniform with short sleeves. The man wants to give up here.

His journey was to go back to London, as something had happened, and he was called back from Russia. Ending his duty there. Having to take a train for 3 days in order for it to reach its final destination. Throughout the whole 3 days, it was a horrifying trip for him.

He encountered a death. A death of a royal figure. The Grand Duke. Dead in his cabin on a moving train. A sheriff like him couldn't protect someone like the Duke. He also met someone on this train, a conductor. An important figure to the train and has some relations with the Duke's wife. He is also the person who had just shot the sheriff and looked down at him, merely dying within the ground.

He scowls. A hint of pity and guilt fills him. He stares down at him, vision clear but turns blurry from the wind picking up. His crimson eyes look expressionless like he didn't have any remorse for the sheriff he has clearly bonded with throughout the 3-day train ride.

He did.

He has remorse.

He feels guilt. He didn't want to leave him there.

Leave him there to die and being the only survivor.. but it was an order. An order from Her Majesty. To eliminate the sheriff.

He moves through the snow. Moving to the man. Slowly taking off his coat.. he didn't need it. Having a full body of warmth, it wasn't needed at all. He kneeled down, feeling the sheriff who was surprisingly still alive after losing a bit of blood. It seems like he's been restless. As if he was just crying from the pain. His body is cold. So cold. Frigid and chilly.

Within a movement, he brings the sheriff up as if he is going to hold him. He puts his coat over him. On his shoulders, the sheriff looks at him. Tired, but there was a reaction there. He looked surprised, having no energy he couldn't show it but it was clear to the Conductor.

He slumped onto the conductor, his body weak. He couldn't do anything but just lay on him. Leaving the taller male surprised and shocked. Looking down, making a slight sound.

Silence before one decides to speak. "Why?" Sheriff whispered softly. His voice strained and low, barely heard, but the conductor hears it. He wonders why himself. "There was no other way." He whispers back to him. It's in a soft tone, never heard from him. Even if he always had a kind facade to him, he never gave a true, soft-sounding tone. "Andrew.. What will happen to me?" The man asks.

He used his first name, which surprised him once again. They were never on a clear first-name basis.. and he knows what will happen to him. He is just afraid to say it to him. “You will die. You will die a very.. a very slow and painless death. With me by your side, Victor.” It is true. It would hurt the conductor to leave him to die. That is something that'd scar his heart.

My side..? You're willing to stay with.. me?” He shifts a bit. A whine comes out of him, but he wants to take a look at the conductor. His hat seems to be taken off. He seems tired, looking at the man who is clearly dying in his arms. He is helpless. A smile is on his face. He chuckles, so very quiet and unheard.

It brightens up the conductor, glad to have a few last moments with him.

They move to where there's small and huge rocks, where he lays the sheriff against there. Sheriff breathes lightly. It seems like his breathing is getting shorter and shorter. Conductor looks at him and admires him, his glove soaked in blood. He doesn't seem so sad as his emotions don't show clear enough.

Rummaging through his pockets, he takes out cigarettes and a lighter. Sheriff averts his eyes to him, looking at him. “May I get one?” Conductor gives him a cigarette. He then puts it into his mouth. The conductor does the same, leaning close to him, and he lits the lighter. Sharing it between them and it lights their cigars, Sheriff looks up. The deep blue sky, having slight dark clouds.

He sees the light from the lighter go out and the burnt part of the cigar. Smoking from both of their mouths.

You'll stay by my side, right..?” .. “Mr. Kreiss, I enjoyed spending these three days with you.” He gives his classic smile he has given before. It is soon until he breathes his last breath.

His cigarette goes out due to the wind. The conductor stays close to him and slightly holds him close.

Andrew.. please.. stay with me.” His last breath. His last breath before his world fades black, in the warmth and arms of the conductor. He then hears something.

I will.

I forever will.

A smile crept up on his face before dying in his arms.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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