Ivan x Val - Good Boy

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"Whatcha gigglin' 'bout?" Val snickered. They and Ivan were relaxing in bed after several hours of carnal love-making and Ivan couldn't stop smiling and laughing.

"I just can't-" he broke into another fit of giggles. "What's going through your head where, in the middle of sex, you need to ask how jellyfish breathe?"

"They don't have a nose, gills, most don't have brains! How do they breathe?!" Val insisted.

"I think the question you should ask is how they even manage to live?" Ivan snickered before he suddenly got serious. "Can we have a bedroom talk real quick?"

A 'bedroom talk' was the name given to gentle conversations that Val and Ivan had regarding their sexual activities, free of judgment and ensured that they were both okay with what was happening in the bedroom. 

"Sweetheart, for the last time, I'm okay with you choking me, you just need to be prepared when people ask about the bruises."

"First of all, not was I was bringing up. Secondly, you act like I would be willing to lay anything but a gentle hand on you," Ivan stroked Val's cheek in an overly affectionate and dramatic way. 

"So what is it then?" Val tried not to roll their eyes at their boyfriend's quirky behaviour.

"Well," Ivan suddenly got shy. "You know what pegging is?"

"Saying you want me to fuck you with a strap-on, pretty boy?" Val teased as they climbed on top of him. Ivan thought he was about to get a round six, only for Val to start tickling his sides.

"Yes! Yes, just stop tickling me!" Ivan squealed as he tried to get Val off of him. Val was merciful and stopped tickling him, but remained straddling his waist with their hands planted on his chest. 

"I take it by wanting me to fuck you, you wanna go full submissive bottom?" Val teased as they squeezed his pecs.

"Preferably," Ivan blushed as Val was feeling him up. 

"So aside from me fucking your brains out, anything else you're hoping for?"

"Tieing me up, being a little mean...? Really whatever tickles your fancy," Ivan shrugged, he just wanted to get fucked to the point of not being able to think. 

"Whatever my pretty boy wants," Val cooed as they laid down on top of him, resting their head on his chest. "Now bed-by time."

Ivan chuckled, wrapped his arms around Val, and rolled onto his side, taking Val with him. Val giggled and kissed his cheek before curling up against his chest and falling asleep, Ivan following their example.


Less than a week later, Ivan had mostly forgotten the pegging conversation, but Val hadn't. They had spent the entire time plotting to make sure they gave Ivan the best fucking of his life. Everything was set in place for the night, now to get through the hard part; getting Ivan away from his work. Thankfully, they knew just how to do it. 

After dinner, Ivan excuse himself to 'finish something up', which Val drew the line when 'finishing up' took almost an hour. Putting their plan into action, Val quietly snuck up into the bedroom and lit some red candles near the bed before slipping on a babydoll lingerie top and the strap-on harness. They had gone down to the small sex shop in their town for the harness and dildo, along with the special candles that were meant to stain the skin and some silk ribbon handcuffs. After slipping on a pair of Ivan's sweatpants to hide the strap-on, they snuck into Ivan's office. 

"Oh, honeeey~" Val called in a sickeningly sweet tone. 

"Yesss?" Ivan was slightly afraid of their tone. Whether it was his intuition or what his therapist kept calling a 'trauma response', he knew Val was hiding something under that voice dripping with honey.

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