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There is only one thing Shang Qinghua wants in this entire world right now. He just wanted his damned noodles. Ya know, the ones Mobei Jun, a demon lord, had promised him? Yeah, those ones. One would think it would be simple to just give him noodles, but no! Instead, Shang Qinghua was on the receiving end of a beating, inflicted by none other than Mobei Jun himself!

However, Airplane Bro had gotten used to it; Mobei Jun did this three times a day, and dragged him around the outside of his territory every full moon. Though, he had to say, his beatings weren't that harsh, he would really only spend approximately forty-five minutes roughing him up a bit. Nothing too serious. But he was pulled out of his thoughts when the hits suddenly stopped. Confused as to why they had, Shang Qinghua opened one of his eyes that had been squeezed shut, and looked up at the man towering before him.

"M-My King?" He stuttered. The man suddenly knelt down on his knees before Shang Qinghua, and started to whipe the tears that formed under his eyes. Shang Qinghua was actually scared shitless. Where did this sudden gentleness come from? Did someone get transmigrated into his body by that damn system, the one with the Google Translate type voice? No, it couldn't be. That would be way too OOC, and they would probably be wincing from the sharp and harsh alarms. It had to be the real Mobei Jun.

So what the fuck had happened to all of the hostility and tension? Shang Qinghua felt like he could pass out, and he almost did if it weren't for the arms engulfing him. He squeaked out of surprise, and his other eye instantly flew open. "My King! What're you doing?"

Mobei Jun was silent for a moment, obviously thinking. It was a few more moments until he said, "Qinghua, I do not want you to be afraid of me." He stared at him in shock for a while. "My King... what do you mean? I don't understand." He said nervously as he watched the ground grow further away while the demon lord picked him up. "I mean, I don't want you to have to worry about being beaten. I don't think humans respond to it well; they think it's a punishment? Please, correct me if I'm wrong." 

Shang Qinghua laughed. Not his usual, half hearted nervous laugh, his actual laugh that made Mobei Jun's heart skip a beat. "Of course we take it badly, My King. Humans may associate being beaten as a punishment because it hurts. What else did My King think?" 

"Oh, that's not what beatings are used for here." Shang Qinghua was interested now, and he wanted to know what it was used for. "Oh? What's it used for?" He said, looking very curious. "We'll talk about that another time. Now is not the time." 

They soon rounded a corner and came face to face with a large set of double doors, clearly not a room for a servant. "My King, I-" he started as he was set down inside of the chambers, but was silenced by Mobei Jun. "Qinghua, you are to live here with me from now on. You also are no longer my servant. I'll tell a maid to bring all of your belongings. Until then, please, make yourself at home." 

Shang Qinghua was utterly flabbergasted, though he bowed deeply. "Many thanks to My King. However, Qinghua has a question. If he is no longer My King's servant, what is he?" The demon lord seemed to think about it for a moment before answering. "This king is not sure right at this moment, but for now, Qinghua can stick around until I find a useful job for him."  Shang Qinghua nodded.

Oh. Well that was quite disappointing. Airline bro was hoping for something more exciting, but sitting around all day was cool too; he could write whatever he wanted now. Not a new porn filled chapter of PIDW for for the all too horny readers, not random documents for the demon realm, but whatever he wanted to write. Come to think of it, the new story had changed quite drastically from the original plot; Luo Binghe now had a nice teacher-disciple relationship, and he wasn't getting regularly abused by Ming Fan, his peer group, or Shen Qingqiu.

After Mobei Jun had left, Qinghua had taken out a piece of paper, and started to write. After several hours, Mobei jun still wasn't back yet, and he was starting to get tired. He eventually drifted off into sleep, his head on the table. It was quite uncomfortable, but he had done it back when he had to pull all nighters just to finish a new chapter of PIDW, and finish an essay for his collage class. 

Half the time he wrote during the night and well into the early hours of the morning, so the chapters were actually just if trash and dog shit had a child, it was so bad(me fr). Yet, somehow, his readers didn't seem to care about it. Well, that was everyone but Peerless Cucumber. He would shame and roast every single character expect for Luo Binghe, so sometimes he thinks that Shen Qingqiu is actually him because he favors him above all disciples. 

Him and Qingqiu are probably gonna make PIDW a bl once Binghe's older. Shang Qinghua isn't complaining though. He had actually wanted to write a bl novel before he had been transmigrated by that damn system, but oh well. It's too late now. He had a plot to change anyway, so he had no time to write one.


Shang Qinghua's eyes fluttered open gently, and he once again gained control of his (strangly not stiff or sore) limbs. He closed them again because he was tired, and realized that there was something next to him. He also realized that it was large and cold, so he leaned into whatever it was. Wait, something next to him? Something cold? His eyes flew open, and he blushed bright red out of embarrassment.

He sat up swiftly, but got pulled back down by none other than Mobei Jun, whom has his arms wrapped around his waist. "Qinghua, go back to sleep. It's still early." Shang Qinghua eventually gave in and slid back down onto the bed carefully. He fit comfortably against Mobei Jun's chest as if it had been made for him, so he fell asleep quickly. 

When Shang Qinghua awoke again, Mobei Jun was gone, instead there was a girl, not a woman, sitting on a chair besides the bed. He sat up and was thrown into a coughing fit, and when he was done, he sneezed. "Master Shang, you should lie back down; your sick. Must've gotten a cold. You humans get sick so easily, I don't understand. Have some water." She said. Qinghua took the water carefully so not to spill it. He drank the water, loving the feeling of the cold stream running down his sore throat. "Thank you, uh..." 

"It's Min Jing, master Shang." Shang Qinghua places the cup on the table, and smiled at the little demoness. "Ah, thank you, Min Jing. And please, call me by my name." Min Jing nodded shyly. Though she acted quite maturely, she couldn't have been more than twelve years old, as she still had her young features on her face. 

They talked for quite a while, though, it was mostly Min Jing talking about different monsters and demons alike. She was showing her actual personality, and not the one she had to use around everyone else. "So, A-Qinghua, is there anything else you would like to know?" She said sweetly. Airplane bro thought for a minute before deciding. "Yes, actually. I was wondering why my king used to beat me? I always thought it was for a punishment or something, but apparently it's not..?" 

The little demoness giggled and a little bit of pink came to her cheeks. "Oh, it's not used as a punishment. It's actually quite different. Demons and demoness's both use it for-" 

"Enough." Mobei Jun stood in the doorway in all of his glory, staring down at both Shang Qinghua and Min Jing. "M-my king!" She squeaked as she scrambled to get up. "Min Jing, leave." She glanced at Shang Qinghua who was coincidentally looked at her too. He smiled at her. "Goodbye, Min-er." She relaxed a little and bowed deeply. "Goodbye, A-Qinghua." And then she left, closing the door behind her. 

"I'm sorry, my king." He clenched his fists scrunched his eyes, waiting for a strike on him. "Qinghua, what are you doing, and what are you sorry for?" He said placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, but he still flinched. "Y-your not going to hit me?" Mobei Jun's face twisted into a confused expression. "Why would I? I told you I wouldn't beat you, didn't I?" Both hands on his shoulders. "I-I..." A few tears fell from Shang Qinghua's eyes, that were quickly swiped away by Mobei Jun. "I'm sorry, Qinghua."

(A/N: Omg, sorry for not posting yesterday, I was busy lol. School ends in three days, my favorite podcast (Park Predators by Delia D'ambra) is coming out with a new season, I've just gotten out of a writers block, I can finally draw good again, my favorite summer camp is in a week from today, TGCF book six comes out in like three days, what the heck my life is finally coming together for once. I hope this never ends.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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