Chapter 1

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You have Red hair and light green eyes and FRECKLES

I slowly ate my F-food, savoring the flavor and pleasure to my taste buds

I got up from my table and washed my dishes

Then when I finished I walked to my front door to get ready for the day
I put my shoes on and went to grab my keys but I decided a walk will do me some good
I walked out and locked up the house ND headed out I looked at my normal route and saw some people I didn't want to get chased again
Mostly by girls but I'm not into females I'm into males
I'm gay but I'm grateful that there are Fan-boys
I turned my heel and looked at the woods

I can follow that mostly covered trail
I looked at the woods and the trees were Towering over me
Tall as they are like as if having a race

-----meanwhile with the slashers!!!!

"Why does Chucky have some magazines oh models??"
Freddy said holding them up for everyone to see
Chucky tried to get the magazines back
"Because it is boring here and there are beautiful

"Oh spicy women and here is ... M/n l/n!" He said holding it higher giving the doll no chance in getting them back
Freddy started to flipped through the pages
The whistles
"I've never seen anyone with eyes like that!" He said with Chucky still struggling to get his shite back
Then the fun was cut short when Michael took them
And he looked at the page that Freddy was on then made a barely hearable hum

Michael handed his magazines back and Chucky flipped through every single one to makes sure that bacon looking thing didn't do anything
"Who took the other one??!!"Chucky yelled showing a angry expression
"Oh the one with that had mostly of M/n Jason has it"he said pointing into the woods


I saw Freddy going through Chucky's Magazines he looked at me and handed me one
"Here look at that one doesn't he have the most beautiful eyes" he said going back to his magazine
I opened it and saw a red haired boy with light beautiful eyes

I walked away from the house into the woods flipping through the pages of him
He was like an angel

You need him, he is perfect and I want to see you with someone who makes you blush like you are now he is a keeper

Mother said making me realize I was blushing under my mask
She was right and she said to
I walked around to find someone to kill but I still had the model in my head

Then I saw a shaped figure in the distance walking on the trail sing a song I barely heard..his voice but it sounded good from the distance but I bet it would be better up close I mad my way to the male figure making him more visible

Then when I saw his red hair it made the model burn into my brain but I've yet seen the male's face

Dancing in the dark~
You between my arms~
Barefoot on the grass~(I think I got that wrong)
Listening to our favorite song~
When you said you look the best~
I whispered underneath my breath, but you heard it~
Darling you look perfect Tonight

The boy singed slightly skipping along the path
Then I got a glance of his face and my heart flutter

Here is your chance to get him take him!

She basically yelled
I followed the male down the trail

He turned around and made a shocked squeak noise

"W-who are you"he stuttered frozen in place
I just picked him up and walked back

"Where are you taking me?!!! Take me back I have a photoshoot!!"he yelled trying to get out of my grip but I still carried on the from no where a branch slapped me well my mask

He looked at me in concerned look
"A-are you o-okay??' he ask lightly touching my mask

He is kind to you even in fear, he is meant for you, he never screamed at you

She had a point
I keeper walking and it was basically getting dark the boy stop struggling and fell asleep but he never hit me or scream at me

He even seemed okay with my appearance
The house came into view I knew that I have to have him with me at all times for his safety

I walked inside and saw them all about to start dinner
Then they looked at me
"Red head, huh?"Freddy said chuckling
"You like that model Soo much you went a and found a red head

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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