Jane stood on her tippy toes, even then she could barely reach the highest shelf in the store cupboard. She really needed to convince her boss to get a step stool. Bobby on of her co-workers, poked his head into the 2ftx2ft room. Jane titled her head at his panicked expression. 

  "What's going o-" Jane cringed as a large object hit the floor in the room beyond. 

   " Costumer situation. Hurry. Please!" Jane sighed exasperated. Working at The Tea Bag had not been in her best interests. Ever. Too many 'costumer situations' as employees were formally supposed to call them. Mostly it was just middle aged adults with high egos and no self awareness.  Just last week she had had a whole  peppermint mocha dumped over her head.  Just on the bases of it had too much peppermint. Life at The Tea Bag sucked. She really needed to find a new Job and fast.  

   Jane Followed Bobby out of the Cupboard and put on her best and most pleasing smile. Which she forced herself not to drop when she saw the mess of Coffee beans and broken ceramic cups.  It looked like one of the costumers involved in whatever the hell was going on  had tipped over a display. 

  "How could you do this to me!" A tall blond girl shrieked at another costumer. The other costumer was a even taller, broad-shouldered guy. Jane was guessing it was her boyfriend. The guy rolled his eyes. 

   " You did this to yourself Amara, I'm sorry but this," he in-between the two of them, "is over." The girl now known as Amara, looked livid. she all but snarled and pushed past through the crowd of café goers. one door slam later and Amara was gone. leaving her ex behind. Bobby had already grabbed the broom and had made a considerable dent in the mess of ceramic shards and deep brown beans. Jane walked around the counter and up to the mystery guy.  

   "Hi, could I ask you what all that was about?" the guy who has been on his way to the exit, sighed. he spun around to face her and Jane pushed back a gulp. There was at least a foot and a half height difference between the two young adults. and by no means was Jane the taller of the two. 

    The guy looked down at her and shook his head. "I'm not in the mood to deal with anyone at the moment. and because I don't want to blow up at you and be  plastered all over twitter as a male 'Karen', I'm gonna leave." Jane couldn't help but chuckle.

     "Appreciate the honesty, have a good rest of your day sir."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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