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As the concert went on, I couldn't help but stare at him

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As the concert went on, I couldn't help but stare at him. I think Stacy was a little concerned about me. Given the fact I didn't say one word that whole time.

After the assembly ended, she forced me to find him after the show. I didn't want to, but she insisted. She pulled me into the empty auditorium.

I saw the familiar man in front of me. He was walking off the stage of the auditorium.

"Oh my God." I spit out. My friend looked at me with a confused expression.

" what is it?" She asked trying to catch what I was looking at.

" Stacy, he's right there." I began to freak out, hiding behind the door.

" Well, then, don't be shy go talk to him." She tried to push me through the door, but I stopped myself.

" no, I can't. What if he really doesn't remember me. That would just be awkward."

" then he doesn't remember you. But you won't know until you try. Come on I'll come with you." She said, walking out before me and up to him. He was unplugging cords and putting away equipment.

" hey you! Dreads! What's up!" She exclaimed, walking up to him and sitting next to him.

He gave her a confused expression.

" do we know each other?" he asked standing up straight.

" no. But you supposedly know her." She pointed over at me and my face immediately went red. He turned to me and immediately recognized me. I could tell by the change of expression from confused to relieved.

"You. Do you go here?" he asked walking towards me. My friends mouth immediately dropped open as she realized he really did know me.

" oh yeah." I said quietly. He looked even better this time if that was possible. His beanie overlapped by his hat. His baggy shirt down to his baggy jeans. This man was perfect.

But as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by someone pushing into him.

" what girls have you got yourself caught up into this time?" The lead singer of the band, asked, putting his arm over Tom's shoulder.

" this is that girl I was telling you about." he whispered. But I could still hear. The singers face immediately changed. He walked up to me.

"I remember seeing you at the meet and greet after the show. So that was your first time finding out about us?" he asked.

" oh, yeah, my mom bought me and her tickets without telling me or showing me what your band was like." I explained nervously.

" so you bumped into my brother?" He asked and my brain immediately clicked.

" oh, you guys are brothers? No wonder you guys look so alike. But yeah, an hour before the show started. I saw him on the side of the building but I thought he was just here for the concert too." I explained. But I couldn't help but be distracted by the guitarist.

He was giving me this look has he played with his piercing.

" so, he was telling the truth." he mostly said to himself. He turned back to his brother before walking away. Leaving it to us three again.

" fuck, you were telling the truth." Stacy said, sitting against the stage stairs.

" yeah.." I said quietly.

" wait so what's your name?" She asked him, standing up and walking towards him.

"Tom." he said shortly, still keeping his eyes on me.

"Okay tom, what's going on here?" She asked him finally, catching his attention.

" what do you mean?" he asked.

" do you like her or what? Because we could actually do something about this or I guess you guys could just keep staring at each other, doing nothing." She continued.

" Stacy oh my God stop." I groaned covering my face.

"Whatever, I'm going to class before I get in trouble. See ya, nice to meet you tom." She said before walking away and out of the auditorium.

"Oh shit, yeah I have class." I said, turning to make sure no teachers could see me.

"Just come with me and the band. We're gonna get some drinks after this." He explained, keeping his eyes on mine.

"Are you sure? Wouldn't that be a little weird? You don't even know me." I mumbled nervously as I kept my eyes down.

"I know enough to know that you won't kidnap me or any of that crazy fan shit." He scoffed, smirking lightly.

"Uh I don't know, my mom would kill me." I laughed nervously

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝. ❤︎︎Where stories live. Discover now