You're not some mutant, you're more than that to me.

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You're not some mutant, you're more than that to me.



This is going to be some lengthy one-shot of Donatello and April O'Neil, I was more of an Leo and Karai shipper when I was an kid, back when I was an kid the show kinda of shown Donatello having an crush on April but it wasn't really explored into that reboot of it had in the mid teens of this century, when they were both teenagers, in my version here she'll be grown, she'll be an teenager but let's face it she'll be more like an eighteen year old, I'm more comfortable writing my characters age up when it comes to fanfiction like this one, I thought it was sweet, also I'm sure the Donatello and April O'Neil shipper's would enjoy this as well, I don't own Donatello, or do I own April O'Neil just this one-shot, enjoy!

Summary for this lengthy one-shot: Donatello Hamato, he'd was an smart in many subject's he'd would of been seen as an genius in an lot way's at least he thought he was until he'd met her April O'Neil the most beautiful young woman he'd ever seen in his life, he'd was so damn enarmored by her that he'd finally understood the whole meaning of an mind shut down, she'd was beautiful, she'd was smart, she was everything an guy could want and more, so he'd deicded he'd was going to win her over, of course his brother's thought it was insane she was an human young woman, she wasn't an mutant, she'd wouldn't anything to do with him, they tried to reason with him, they didn't want to see him get hurt, his mind would of listened to them but his heart wouldn't alone it, so long he'd done so, trying to, win her over, when he'd finally decided to let her know verbal wise of he'd thought for her, he'd made it to her windowstill in her apartment with word's ready but his mind finally caught on to him, and well, he'd started to doubt himself for it, April O'Neil blessed her heart, realized that it was up to her to assure him that he'd wasn't some mutant to her, he was so much more than that, will he end up believing her in the end? Rated M? T? I'll let everyone decided, Donatello x April O'Neil

April O'Neil is at the age of eighteen year's old 5'1 by height she's very beautiful young adult she's has beautiful blue eyes she has beautiful shade of straight long red hair it meets down her lower back she has white milk fair skin she has beautiful model like nose she has perfectional ears she has light pink lips she has perfect arch eyebrow's she has very beautiful figure she has very fit one she has the righteous curves she has beautiful perky full round breasts they were good size last time she'd checked that out because of her bra size changed on her they weren't those small one's when she'd first started growing up she has beautiful long leg's she'd was an beauty for sure she'd was wearing an an light lavender Victoria Secret bra and matching underwear at the moment that's all she's wearing she's getting ready for her first day in College it was Community College of New York City, she had to get her own father to agree with her having her own apartment for it she'd just wanted to be on her own she'd wanted to show her father that she'd can handle herself he'd raised her well enough to know how or as her father would love be known as Dr. O'Neil he'd was an scientist well-known in the science community by his books to his theories he''s quite an smart man but as for April O'Neil it was hard for her growing up to be known as the famous Dr. O'Neil's daughter because so many expections was expecting of her because of it her certain grades she had to raise up to, and heaven forbid she ended up having an C- or an B- well she'd might as well just tell them she was doing drug's it was pressure living amongst the shadow of an scientist like this her father's was and still is quite an big one, her father wanted her to follow his footstep's as much she'd wanted to it's just she'd didn't think it was for her but nobody seemed to listen to her everyone thought she was going to be like her father, it was fun as an kid being the scientist daughter though because when you're an kid you'd think much of the future you think how awesome your father is, maybe that's why she'd rebel when she'd gotten older because the only way to get out of that shadow is to act out or this case she'd dated an guy name of Casey Jones in school he'd was the hockey player the jock he'd would call her 'red' along because of her red hair, not really smart when it come's to name's he'd mind as well call her ginger while he was at it but at least then she wasn't Dr. Neil's daughter she was Casey Jone's girl she'd would go to his game's, cheer him on, she'd would be the good girlfriend but she'd knew it wasn't going to last she'd went to him for the wrong reason's it broke him once she'd had to end thing's in the senior year of theirs began not that long ago she'd told him 'I'm sorry Casey, it's just we're going so many different path's you'll be an offical hockey player, and I'll be just an New York girl, you'll find someone else.' Of course she'd told him that at the time he'd wasn't pleased with it he'd had an temper on him so it was good thing she'd left him when she did she'd didn't need an hothead she wasn't in love with Casey Jone's just the ideal of him making her father pissed off the only way she'd can come here to this college was agreeing to be an internship of her father's lab she'd hated it there because it was obvious that the scientist she was supposed to interning for has the hot's for her aka Baxter Stockman, she'd hated it, but she didn't have much of an choice. April O'Neil went to look through her closet as she'd went to find something to wear she couldn't wear anything too revealing but it didn't really matter because of the way her body was so it didn't really matter because either way Baxter Stockman would of thought she'd did it for him which she didn't at all so she'd stuck with what she knew she'd was wearing an light purple blouse the sleeve's are short she's wearing an pair of light purple leggings that hug up her ass very good and well not much she can do about that either as she'd was wearing an pair of light purple high heel women's boot's she went to close the closet door as she'd went to take her backpack as she'd went to walk out of her apartment's front door locking it up puting the key inside of her hidden pocket that's on her backpack as she'd went to walk down the stairs she'd greeted by the noise's of New York City. Taxi driver's yelling at each other for either cutting them off or some dumb tourist walking passed them of course you could hear pigeon's cooing all around you even busy people talking on their cellphone's everything was busy even in the morning such as this one as she'd went to walk she'd got the whistle's from the male's who'd spotted her she'd always pretend not to notice them which would just make fire them on more "Damn, look at her, I would like to put my dick inside of that!" "She'd mades me hard on just looking at her----," April O'Neil just mumbled under her breath about how disgusting they were of course they never hear here as she'd made it passed that left corner as she'd made heading toward's her father's lab it was pretty good size lab like four or so stories high it was painted white there was an window dome on top of it she'd went to make her way there as she'd went to open the door as she'd went to make her way inside everyone greeted her she'd gave an small nod before she'd hoped she could just do this without seeing Baxter Stockman this time around she'd tried to tell her father about it once but her father thought she was lying which hurt the most but she'd can't expect her father to see reason he'd was an scientist first she'd never wanted that she'd thought for an moment she wasn't going to see him there since she'd was almost to her station that is until she'd heard his deep tone of an voice "Ms. O'Neil, look at you even when you wear that you're so distracting, you were hoping for that, would you? Hoping I would notice that outfit of yours, congrats it'd worked out for me, how about dinner~?" April O'Neil knew she was wincing once she heard his voice she'd went to pause her steps as she'd made it to her chair where her labcoat was still there from yesterday if she'd did notice closely well she'd would find what looks to be serman she'd didn't notice since she was too busy looking at the creep Baxter Stockman he had to be what 24 year's old by now he's been her father's partner since he'd first arrived when he was only 13 years old he'd was an genius in some way's she'd never thought of him at first since she was an little girl when she first met him that guy who'd wanted start an name for himself she'd saw it all the time he'd thought he was better than anyone else he'd thought he could gain anything he so desired but not when she was concerned she'd didn't know how to started but Baxter Stockman tried to make advances towards her at first she didn't notice it because she was business helping him out on his task he gave her that one day she'd always been good with computer's he'd claimed he wasn't really good at it so he'd wanted her help to figure things out for him she'd done so at least she'd thought so until he'd touch her shoulders started to massage them she'd got the idea then she'd pushed him out of her way she'd went to run away not looking back she'd never planned to come back here but if she doesn't her father won't let her go to her college or much less her good apartment she'd was trapped. Brock Stockman is an african-american man he was taller than she was 5'3 by height he had to be he'd had those short and clean type of haircut's down the sides of his neck and his forehead he'd claimed he kept it like this because of flames but she'd knew better than that he tried to impress her she wasn't quite impressed he'd had pair of those thick glasses he'd had facial hair at least upper lip type he has not very busy type of eyebrows he'd had an good beautiful perfection nose he'd had good shape ears his eyes were brown he'd was wearing an white dress long sleeve shirt he was wearing an pair of black pant's he was wearing an pair of black dress shoes he was wearing an black tie as well he'd was wearing an white labcoat with his name tag ID in the left pocket clipped together he has an lean body type but she'd could tell since he saw her he's been trying to work out more he'd gave her an charming smile once he'd saw she was looking at him "Dinner?" "Well, I figured my chance's of winning you needs an date between us two, but it seem's I don't have----," "Listen Dr. Stockman-----," "I told you to call me Baxter." "Dr. Stockman, I'm flattered, I'm sure any girl would be but I'm not interested in anything like that at all, I'd just started college, I broke up from my last relationship an year ago, I'd just want to focus on my college duties at the moment." April O'Neil sharply told him he'd just chuckled like she told him an joke as he'd went to put his hands on her shoulders she'd grew stiff because of it she'd hated that he'd did this each single time he'd was around her "You say that now, but mind's change all the time you'll be suprised what it can do, so do me an favor say----," "No." April O'Neil told him strongly he'd blinked before he'd glared at her before he'd smirked as an idea hit him she didn't like the look in his face there was nothing but trouble as he'd went to tell her "It'll be an real damn shame if your father found out that you weren't doing what you were supposed to do at all, in fact, I would tell him that his sweet April was back to her rebel way's----," "But that's an lie----, wait........ Are you blackmailing me?" April O'Neil sounded with disbelief as she'd went to see the look on his face she'd went to glare at him as she'd went to push him out of the way as she'd went to tell him that caused him to freeze "You're pathetic, you're really are, you have to blackmail me all because I'm not interested in you for the fact I said 'no' to you of all people, well you can't force people to love you, love isn't something forced, I thought an science man like yourself would know about force, I'm going to do my work, I'm going to do an good damn job but believe me when I say this to you, I don't care what you say, I don't care what you do to me here, I'll never let an man force me into anything I don't want to, so fuck off." April O'Neil would make every New Yorker out there proud as she'd went to huff as she'd went to turn around so she'd can move her backless rolling chair which was black as she'd went to grab the computer's mouse so she'd move it an bit so it can waken up as she was about to login she'd heard footsteps coming from her "I love you, how dare you call me pathetic, you'll be lucky to have me as yours-----," "Dr. Stockman, I swear to God if you think I'm going to let you come near me----," "You're mine." April O'Neil warned him once well she had to show him she wasn't some helpless young woman around here she'd elbowed him in the stomach really hard making him back up just enough as she'd went to flip him for good measure she didn't care what her father was going to think then she had to get out of there she'd made her way out of there not even caring how many people were calling for her she'd wasn't sure how far she'd went but she'd stopped when she was out of breath as she'd went to put her hands on her knees she'd looked up only to see she was in an alleyway which won't be an problem if it wasn't for the fact in New York City if you end up being in an alleyway like this you're just asking for trouble. There's an lot of bad folks around this city not just mobsters were around here of course you end up getting some junkies even some theives, there's all type's of bad people around here if they see you on your lonesome in an alleyway well you better start praying you don't end up being found dead somewhere that's how all it start's as she'd went to move her hair out her face as she'd went to reach for her phone only to realized she'd left it at home she'd groaned once she'd realized it as she'd went to put her hands on her hips "Okay, so no phone, no need to worry, you're an blood New Yorker, you can figured yourself to go home, what are you an tourist?" April O'Neil encouraged herself as she'd went to look up well lucky for her there's an fire escape ladder in the staircase she'd could use that as she'd went to make her way to climb up on this ladder as she'd went to make her way up on top as she'd went to make her way to the edge so she'd can sit down she was balanced so she wasn't worried she'd saw the view well telling from the distance of those twin towers over there she'd knew she was screwed as she'd went to sigh well unless she was an ninja she wasn't going to be able to make the distance for it, "MIKEY!?!" "Heh, Raph, listen, I didn't mean to---," "Didn't mean to my ass?!" In the distance of his lab he could heard his brother's Michelangelo and Rapahel once again fighting over something that's really stupid yesterday they fought because Mikey fought Raph's mask was his missing cloth he would use to clean off his shell, of course it wasn't this time around it was Mikey's playing some prank's on him trying to make up for what he done he'd thought he could make their brother Raphael laugh, of course Michelangelo forgotten that their brother didn't have an sense of humor to be found since their brother was too much of an hothead, Donatello the one who'd own's this lab shook his head once he heard Michelangelo screaming trying to get away from their brother, how can anyone think in this place? He'd wouldn't know he's been trying to figure that out since the fight outside of his lab sliding metal door ever since, unless you're confused of the word 'shell' let me explain you see it was about around eighteen years by now there were four baby turtles they were in an pet shop they were normal baby turtle's and man named of Yoshi Hamato an man who'd believed in the art's that died long time ago that seemed nobody uses anymore the way of the ninja he'd came to America for an better future of course he'd was not knowing how wrong he was then some werid ooze came around and well the man got killed or kidnapped nobody could really say for sure but the four baby turtles were found into an sewer along with this rat who'd was waiting down below not expecting like any of them did well the rat changed into what they known as their Master or as their Sensei Splinter, and well the four baby turtles they've changed themselves, he'd knew the world wasn't ready for them they would of been seen as freaks so Splinter took them down below he'd learned how to fight and everything an ninja did because he'd was Yoshi Hamato's pet rat before he'd was taken down the sewer because the man thought he would do better amongst his kind then he could so he'd raised these baby turtles here, he'd named them after the best well-known male's of an age long ago no longer exists besides of what they've done for humankind, he'd named them, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo, they've been down here in the sewer's ever since because Master Splinter worried for his son's might end up getting hurt or more experimented on, it might sound crazy but an father worries for his kids they were no different even though it's been eighteen years since that day, well all of them ended up becoming great, especially his son Donatello he'd advanced in alot of thing's turns out if it was the whole brain's vs the brawn he'd had his fair share with both he'd was given the Bo Staff when he was old enough to hold one in those four fingers of his he'd learned awful quick on how to use it, he'd read more book's than anyone did he'd was an fast learner he'd could figure out so much in his head including blueprint's of many type's of invention's he was truly an genius, he'd never cared what his brother's called him an 'egghead' there wasn't any shame of him knowing as much as he did he'd always trusted his mind above all else he'd made sure of that he'd wasn't sure why else anyone wouldn't listen to their mind after all the mind is the most logical source you can have he'd never knew much else of course Master Splinter worried for him it's never an good thing to be in the lab for so many lab's on end without an rest but he wasn't going to take an break he had an good idea he'd can't stop until he does it, Donatello is eighteen years old he has brown eyes of course he has his ninja purple mask if you want to call it that it was just an purple cloth with two eyes for his eyes he'd never questioned it of course he was an humaniod turtle the dark green skin tone he had his dark brown turtle shell bottom layer was light brown his hands were humaniod in an way once him and his brother's become what they were their front turtle feet turned into hands with only how many could have which is four he'd was tall around 5'6 he'd was musclar well as muscular an mutant turtle can get because of his training as for their tails honestly it was better unsaid his back turtle feet become hindlegs for him so he'd can stand up like an human guy can he'd had an white teeth and pink tongue still he'd had his Bo Staff but it's holster for it was behind his shell around with his Bo Staff he had his lab googles on him it was safe than sorry. "Donatello---," "Sensei Splinter." Donatello stopped what he was doing so he'd give his Sensei Splinter his full attention as he'd went to rise up his goggles as Master Splinter went to comment to him "My son, you shouldn't spend all of your time in here, it's not good for you." "But I'm fine, Sensei, really, I thought of this really good idea for us, I'm sure you'll love it!" "I'd always do my son, but I think some fresh air would do you some good." "But you never let me or the rest of the guys to do that." "As long as you bend in the shadow's I'm sure I can handle you doing it for one time." Master Splinter assured him making Donatello looked floored he'd was expecting to see his brother Mikey coming in with one of those prank's of his but noticed that wasn't going to happen any time soon he'd didn't know what got into him but he'd knew if he say something he'd would of ended up having his head hit by an Bo Staff so he'd went to bow his head in respect "As you wish Sensei." Donatello got himself ready of course his brother's didn't like the idea of him going up there when they couldn't but they didn't have much else to say once Master Splinter knocked them out making them whimper, Donatello made his way up there from the sewer he'd knew he had to stay up high so he won't get spotted as he'd made his way up there he'd was about to move until he'd saw her, April O'Neil he'd froze at first because he'd thought nobody was up there all he could see was her backside he can't see her face, but he'd could see her long red hair blowing in the wind he'd could see her figure he'd swallowed hard he'd never saw an body like that he'd knew she was female though, Master Splinter gave them the 'talk' when they were old enough to understand it, of course they were all flustered in the end of that said talk but they told that all teenagers at their age at the time been getting the same speech, he just never saw one in person before, the white milk skin she was wearing his color that's when it first started where his heart was doing the thinking not his mind making him feel that fate was giving him an message here because of it he'd moved away in time before she'd could spot him he'd poked his head just enough so he can see her but she can't see him but once he'd saw her face it felt like something he'd never felt before he'd never seen an most gorgeous young woman in his life he'd was compeletely enarmored by her those blue eyes of hers he'd never seen such an shade of blue those lip's of hers the pink one's for the life of him he'd wanted to know what's it like be kissed by them he'd was blushing then he'd saw her pouting as she'd rose up to safety as she'd was crossing her arm's looking lost it broke his heart to see her like that he'd would rather hit himself with his own Bo Staff to see that. "Well, girl, you're truly screwed yourself here, how am I going to go home from here? It's not the safe to be around here----," April O'Neil saw something in the corner of her eyes as she'd blinked those long eyelashes as she'd went to look over where Donatello was at she'd couldn't see him clearly because of him being in the shadow's but she'd could tell someone was up here with her she'd blushed from not noticing that sooner thinking he was here the whole time she was as she'd went to call out "Hello, I'm sorry, I didn't realize someone was up here with me, I hope you don't mind the company, I'd was just trying to figure something out." Donatello looked smitten her voice sounded like an angel she'd was talking to him of course his mind had to remind him it was only because she didn't know what he was of course he wasn't listening when he should of listened in the first place, but his heart won this battle because he was clearly looking at the future wife of his kids, "It's alright, I don't mind at all having company up here, I usually come here on my own to look over the city, it's an pretty good view, would you like some help? I'm pretty good of figuring thing's out you know, I got an mind for it, if you tell me, I can be some help." Donatello replied to her gently he'd didn't want to end up scaring her off who'd know's what chance he has to see this young woman again of course he know's there was one in an million chance of him doing so he didn't like those chance's while April O'Neil heard his voice she'd wasn't sure she'd ever heard an voice like his as she'd went to bite her lower lip at what he was saying to her she wasn't really sure about it "I don't know...... You'd might end up being some serial killer." "You can trust me, I promise you, I'm not going to do anything to make you think otherwise, I just wanted to help you because I hate to see you look so lost like that breaks my heart, would it help if you have my name?" April O'Neil wanted to trust him but she was having an hard time with male's lately her father Dr. O'Neil and of course Dr. Baxter Stockman what if this voice was one of them there she'll be in deep shit of trouble then but his voice was gentle as she'd went to ask Donatello "What's your name?" "Donatello, but you can call me Donnie if you like." "Donatello? That's your name?" "Since the day I was an baby, but you may call me Donnie if it makes you more comfortable." Donatello assured her still speaking gently towards her as she'd went to make her way an little closer once she'd heard his name it was an nice name but he didn't sound like he was Italian though she didn't hear the accent maybe he came from an Italian descendant or some thing like that as she'd went to smile at him she'd didn't know what it was but she'd didn't feel like she was in danger like she could trust him it was really odd for her "I like your name Donatello, it's really cool name, so you can really help me figure things out?" "I'm the best at it just give me an try, and I promise you'd won't regret it if you do, so what's the problem?" "I was running away from Dr. Stockman, he was making these advances on me, and I couldn't stand it so I runned until I was out of breath, now I'm here, and well, I can't make it home around here, it's too dangerous, I don't know what to do----," Donatello glared hearing that if he'd ever met this Dr. Stockman he'll met his Bo Staff to the face along with other place's it was wrong for anyone to do that espeically to her he'd went to suggest to her without thinking "How about I take you home? It'll be my pleasure to help you out like that." "You'll take me home?" April O'Neil sounded suprised of the offer he'd paled he'd couldn't do that she'd was going to find out he was an mutant turtle he'd couldn't possibly do that unless he'd could blindfold her so she'd wouldn't be able to see him well that does sound like an good idea he'd can't let her go on her own especially when she was looking at him like she was doing right now she'd looked so grateful of his offer it made him look smitten again, "Of course, I'll take you home, I would be honored to take you home, you don't have to worry because I'll protect you from anyone who'd wanted to cause you any harm." Donatello assured her of course girl's like an guy who'd can protect them he'd can protect her he'd has the skill set and the Bo Staff to prove it she'd looked confused at first because she'd wasn't sure how he was planning on protecting her but something inside of her told her to trust on what he said to her just then as she'd was about to speak again but he told her "I need you to close your eyes for me." "Close my eyes? How come?" April O'Neil asked confused she didn't know why she needed to close her eyes for after all she'd would need them considering she'd needed to get down from here shed needed her eyes open for that while Donatello winced he'd wasn't sure how to explain it not first because there was no way he could tell her it was because he was an mutant turtle he'd didn't want to know her reaction would be if she knew he'd never cared before but he'd cared just enough when it came to her "The way of me taking you back home need's an skill of an ninja, I know the way of how to do it, you might not like it, so I thought it would be best if you close your eyes for it." Donatello explained to her she'd looked for an moment as she'd went to shrug her shoulders before she'd closed her eyes once he'd saw that he'd let himself out of the shadows he'd went to pick her up bridal style in his arms she'd squealed because of it not expecting that he'd went to smile sheepishly at her "Sorry, I should of warned you, just keep your eyes closed, so where do you live?" "256 near the subway station-----," "Alright, hold on tight." April O'Neil went to wrap her arms around his neck that's when she'd realized something about this Donatello his chest felt odd like there was hard armor or something else she'd didn't know what it was but she'd felt something like this once once Donatello made sure she was good he'd went to look over he'd could do this without getting caught as he'd hoped she'll keep her eyes closed as he'd went to make his way to jump he'd leaped over to the next buliding in front of them she'd felt him leaping she'd honestly thought he was insane she'd trusted an insane guy who'd spoke gentle with her, as she'd felt them land she'd knew she should of kept her eyes closed but her curiousity got to her because for the life of her she'd had to know how someone was able to do that as she'd went to slowly blink as she'd went to look up when he wasn't looking her blue eyes went wide at the sight of Donatello she'd wasn't sure what she was expecting but it wasn't the fact she was seeing an mutant turtle at her eyesight she'd swallow an scream wanting to come out because despite everything though he'd was nice enough to help her out right now she can't scream at the sight of him because he'd might be some mutant turtle but he'd was sorta cute in an way.

You're not some mutant, you're more than that to me.Where stories live. Discover now