Chapter 5 The Gilded Man

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"Where are we going today?" Uncle Scrooge asked RJ. "El Dorado." Said Scrooge, "it is said that the city is made of gold," Said Scrooge. "Do you really need more gold?" Asked Della. "No, we're going there for the adventure and to see if it's real." Said Scrooge, "let's go", said Della. "I'm flying the plane", said RJ. "Nobody touches my plane, Della ya ya ya." said RJ, "fine. I will let you be the co-pilot." Said Della, "yes." Said RJ one hour later. "RJ, wake up", Della said. "Are we here?" Asked RJ, "yep." Said Della, they walked out of the plane. "I can't believe you fell asleep", said Della. "That's your fault, you made me go on an adventure with you in the middle of the night." Said RJ, "you liked the challenge". Said Della. "It was a good idea to get us ready for Woodchucks." Said RJ "ah Uncle Scrooge, I thought you said this was a city of gold", said Donald. "It is" said Scrooge. "Then where is the gold?" asked Della. "I don't know" said Scrooge, "look at that robot" said RJ. "It is created to protect El Dorado said Scrooge the robot was just sitting still, I think it is sleeping on the job" said Donald. Donald kicked the robot. "The robot's eyes lit up red ah Donald" said RJ, "what?" Asked Donald. "Look behind you!" said Della, Donald looked behind him. "Aw, phooey!" Said Donald. Donald ran into a lake and the robot followed him. The robot blew a fuse and started chasing Della. "DELLA" RJ yelled "don't worry I have a plan RJ, use the Cable on the plane and tie it to the light pole." "Della, what are you going to do", asked RJ? "I'm going into the robot" said Della. Della let the robot grab her, RJ ran to the plane and grabbed the cable and tied it to the light pole. Della jumped into the robot's neck. Della started cutting wires "that should do it", Della said to herself Della jumped out of the robot now "RJ" Della yelled. RJ tripped the robot and the robot's eyes stopped glowing red. "We did it!" said RJ, Della kissed RJ. "I couldn't of done it without you", said Della. RJ kissed Della, "I don't know what I would do without you either", said RJ.

The adventures of RJ DuckWhere stories live. Discover now