Chapter thirty-five

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(Louis' POV)

As the season changed from autumn to winter, Harry and I's relationship only grew stronger. The trees that once were coated with colourful leaves are now layered in a thin blanket of snow. People's cheeks turned rosy and their noses sniffled. Despite the sickness and disease, winter had always been my favorite season. Winter is so cozy, and my birthday is on Christmas Eve, too. There's just this heart-warming feeling that winter brings that I admire.

Seems like everywhere I go I see holly or mistletoe.  Couples are constantly snogging in the hallways and making out by my locker. I usually just roll my eyes in disgust and nudge them away. As much as I love winter, I can't stand the lovey dovey couples cuddling together and Eskimo kissing. Ew.

The musical has been going fantastic so far. The premier date has been moved, due to Mr. Oliver's request. Now the first show will be held on January 6th instead of February, not that it matters. We've been practicing really hard and everything is nearly complete. We even added another song into the musical called "Truly, Madly, Deeply". Another one is sung only by Eleanor and it's named "Turn Your Face". We haven't had any difficulties so far, and surprisingly, things are going smoothly.

As for Harry, he's straightened out his grades. I'd like to say that he patched things up with his parents, but to be honest, he hasn't yet. He avoids them at all costs, despite my efforts to make him talk to them. He says that things are too broken to fix, whatever that means. I'm still not allowed to go over to their house, but several times Harry has snuck me back to the waterfall.

Oh, Liam and Niall made a surprising revelation in mid-November. They came out as a couple. There wasn't a big announcement or anything, they just started holding hands around school and kissing publicly. They told Harry and I first, which we were really excited about. Niall was thrilled to find out that Harry and I were dating as well, but he said that he secretly knew by the way Harry and I looked at each other. Cliché, I know, but it was Niall's words, not mine.

Anyway, so Liam and Niall tried to convince us to come out of the closet at the same time that they did, but Harry and I told them that we wanted to do it when we felt ready. They understood. Contrary to my previous beliefs, Niall and Liam didn't get teased. They didn't get beat up or snickered at in the hallway. They were just a normal, everyday couple. I still can't believe it.

It gives me faith that soon Harry and I will come out, too, and that everything will be okay when we do.

Niall and Li often go on double dates with Harry and I. The dates were never any cheesy, dinner dates, because we all hated those types of things. We often just went bowling together or to the movies. We became four best friends.

And Alex? Well, I haven't seen him since the Halloween party in October. I think he finally got the message. I don't think I'll be seeing him again.

Now, I'm in class, doodling in my notebook. It's the last day before Christmas break and I'm just itching to get out of this damn school. I'm looking forward to the weeks ahead, spending every waking moment with Harry and my mates. This is final period so everybody is anxious to leave, even the teacher.

Sketching a heart in my notebook, I sigh deeply while the instructor talks on and on about history. I zone out his voice and write the initials H.S and L.T inside of my poorly drawn heart, kind of like the engraving in the tree next to the waterfall.

I glance up at the clock. Tick, tick, tick. . . five minutes left.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket quietly enough so I'm the only one who can hear it. I pull it out of my pocket beneath the desk and look at the screen.

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