| Chapter Twenty Eight |

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Iliya knew she was a strange sort

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Iliya knew she was a strange sort.

Since she was a young girl, she never minded Wyving as the other children did. Neither Therian nor Fae enjoyed the experience, often equating it to spinning violently on a ride only to be flung off due to faulty strapping.

She'd made her way to Torchkye with begrudging company, accompanying a Guard named Rollin who didn't seem inclined to her or their journey. Still, he was traveling to mitigate a trespassing dispute and insisted a royal such as herself shouldn't leave alone with the current events.

Though she didn't mind, Iliya was pleased to be free of him when she reached the Port terminal and stepped inside.

Unlike the start of Solstice, people weren't pushing and shoving in an attempt to breach the lines. In fact, there were only a few other souls inside the building, all organized neatly as they waited for access to a Bulletwire.

Luckily for her, most still loathed Wyving.

Iliya stepped to the front of a tube shaped device, admiring the new silver work along the doors and the accenting lights glowing to life on the keypad.

Punching in her personal identification number, she stepped inside and knelt on the teleportation pad. Iliya made certain her knee touched the center of the crossed ward on the floor and watched the countdown display.

When it hit three, she held her breath and closed her eyes, picturing Mirror Falls in her mind's eye.

Humid air enveloped her as the smell of salty brine morphed into a crisp maple breeze awash with petrichor. Mirror falls was wrapped in tall forest, trees towering above the brick buildings and ivy coated street lamps.

If she were ever to imagine a city made by small folk and sprites, this would be their home. Iliya often admired the twinkling wisps of mana dancing through the air, brushing through the grass and migrating towards the lake. Many former Court members retired in Mirror Falls, as it grew to be the quietest civilization.

Without any neighboring developments and the wildfolk hiding in the southern planes, Iliya knew why.

Still, she minded her business in the empty streets, awed by an adorable candle shop signifying her entry into town. The stores were lined up side by side, an awning stretching over every entrance due to the quick changing weather.

Iliya could taste the coming storm without looking up, the smell was enchanting and she never minded a little rain.

Wanting nothing more than to toss these letters into Orla Dalaminai's mail and disappear, Iliya huffed to herself as she stepped up to a street full of small cottages and pressed forward.

When she got to the end, her eyes landed on the familiar house immersed in gorgeous flowers and trees. Anything of color, her grandmother was certain to have, from the cherry blossoms lining her small path, to marigolds and rose bushes wrapping around her porch. The outer walls were a deep merlot, bordered with a soft white the color of seafoam. Iliya hadn't seen a more accurately fitted home.

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