The White Wolf

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The woods went quiet and all that could be heard was the small cries of a little boy as a white haired man stands in front of him, Y/n quickly frantically searches for his mother to only find her laying there lifeless with her face in the dirt, the white haired man kneels down to Y/n's height reviling cat like yellow eyes scaring the small boy, the man looks at him unsure how to calm him or even reassure him, he takes a breath and looks Y/n in the eyes

????: Your safe now

Y/n nods and quickly rushes to his dead mother grabbing her arm frantically trying to get her to wake up, the white haired man checked the surrounding area before slowly walking up to the body seeing the arrow piercing though, he kneels down seeing the boy crying on his mother's body

????: I'm sorry, she's gone......

Y/n was now left with no one, in just under a week he had lost both parents and his home with nowhere to go, the white haired man looks at the sobbing small boy still curious as to where he and his mother came from

????: Where's your father????

The small boy struggles to answer the man as tears stream down his face onto his mother, only silence the man got from the boy now realising himself that the small boy had nobody left he stood up grunting trying to think of what to do, he came to a conclusion and returned to the small boy and kneels down next to him

????: What's your name??

From the amount of sobbing he answers

Y/n: Y,Y,Y/n....

????: Y/n, we can't stay here, it's not safe

Y/n: But,,, what,, about,, my mum????

The grey hair man looks at Y/n with remorse on his face and finds it difficult to tell the child, he lets out a small sigh looks at the boy

????: We need to bury her, give her the rights so she can rest in peace

Y/n nods but didn't understand what he was talking about but he knew she was dead and as she talked about that people would be buried when they die and go to a special place, the man covered her with the cloak that she had on and began to dig a hole near a blossom tree and then placed the dead mother inside the hole and started to fill it in, Y/n remained silent unable to come to terms with what has happened the past few days as he watched his mother be buried, the man stood over the grave and said a few words

????: Mother of Y/n sleep well, your son is now safe

He sprinkles something on to the ground and turns to the small boy who was silent and looking pale

????: Would you like to say something??

Y/n: walked slowly to the grave tears starting to fall again as he tries to find the words as snot also started to fall from his nose

Y/n: Bye mommy, I hope daddy is with you

The man grabs what looked like a cloth from one of his pockets and kneels down wiping the snot from his nose, this made the boy feel safe but had questions as to who was the man dressed in armour, the man walked him over to his horse and placed him on it

????: Don't pull at the main, she isn't a fan of that

Y/n: she's a pretty horse, what's her name

????: Roach

Y/n: Hello Roach

The man hopped on the horse and rode away from the site up to the town which Y/n had come from, it was a graveyard, bodies lay there still from the Nilfgaardian soldiers slaughtering anyone who dared to get in their way, they entered the tavern where only a few were inside and shouted at them

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