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Austin was thrilled to be back home from having been away for so long and especially now having been offered a teaching position at Salem University.

He couldn't wait to get started with his first class but even though he was excited he was also very nervous.

Abigail is walking through the Horton Square while on her cellphone when she bumps into someone instantly dropping her phone causing to fall on the ground and break.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. Let me buy you a brand new phone."

Austin replies to the woman who he hasn't noticed yet.

Abigail looks up to see the man she bumped into and smiles.

"Thank you, for the offer. You really don't have to. It was my fault. Austin!"

Austin smiles at her.

"I really would like to buy you a new phone. I mean it was really my fault. Abigail!, hi!"

Abigail smiles at him as she reaches out to give him a hug.

"Austin! Hi! How have you been? Are you and Carrie both here?"

Austin nods his head.

"Yes, we are. We're happy to be back although now that we are I'm starting to feel like maybe coming back wasn't such a good idea."

Abigail looks at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, why is that? Is something going on?"

Austin looks at her.

"I'm so sorry. You don't need to hear about me and my problems. Tell me about you. How have you been? Chelsea told me that you two were in Europe and you were out of control."

Abigail smiles at him as she then feels herself begin to blush.

"We weren't that bad. If anyone is a bad influence it's Chelsea."

Austin laughs as he looks at her.

"Your right about that. So, are you seeing anyone?"

Abigail looks at him.

"I am seeing someone."

Austin looks at her.

"Really? I'd love to know who the lucky guy is."

Abigail smiles at him as she goes to reply back when suddenly EJ walks over to her smiling.

"There you are. I'm so sorry that I'm late, darling."

Abigail smiles back at EJ before she leans in kissing him softly on his lips.

"I believe the two of you know each other, don't you?"

Austin looks at EJ.

"We've crossed paths. So, you're dating Abigail. What happened to Sami?"

"Samantha and I - - couldn't make things work out this time. How do you two know each other? And should I be jealous?"

Abigail looks between the two men.

"Austin and I have been friends for a very very long time. You could say that he and I share a bond that can never be broken."

EJ looks at Abigail curiously.

"What kind of bond?"

Austin looks at Abigail not able to take his eyes off of her.

"I saved her life when she was a baby."

Abigail smiles at Austin all the while feeling the anger coming off of EJ.

"We should be going. It was great seeing you, Austin. I'll see you later."

Austin as he leans into her for a hug as she returns the hug before pulling back from him.

"Yeah, you too. We'll definitely have to catch up soon. I'll see you soon. Is your number still the same?"

Abigail smiles back at him.

"Yes, it is. Call or text me anytime."

Austin smiles back at her before he leans in hugging her only to pull back and kiss her softly on her cheek.

"I definitely will. You look incredible by the way."

Abigail smiles at him.

"Thank you. Text me and we'll find some time to get together and catch up. It's so good to have you back home. I've really missed you."

Austin returns the hug while feeling EJ's eyes staring at him from behind him.

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