Getting Stuck Together

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My head exploded in pain and I bolted awake. I sat up, rubbed my head, and looked around. I saw nothing but rocks and something that looks like glowing green moss giving off just enough light to see by.

"Where am I?" I asked myself, getting to my feet and dusting myself off.

"Uuhhhhhhg!" Someone else moaned out behind me. I whipped myself around to see what looked like Bowser's shell and tail not far away.

"Bowser?" I asked, cautiously stepping towards him.

"Five more minutes Kamek!" He grumbled.

"I'm not Kamek!" I said. I jumped back when he bolted up and stared right at me.

"Great! I'm not in my castle and I'm stuck with the Green Mario!" He huffed, smoke puffed from his nostrils.

"Is that really all you people know me as? You know my name! I told you when you tortured me about my brother!" I snapped at him.

"Take it easy Greenie! I'm not going to hurt you, this time!" He said, backing away.

"Luigi! My name is Luigi!" I yelled.

"Woah! Easy now, calm down!" Bowser said, cowering away from me.

"No! I'm not going to calm down! I'm tired of being overlooked and second guessed!" I stated.

"Sorry!" He whispered, voice wavering while his left arm caved under his weight and that's when I saw his muscles twitching and a huge gash running up and down his entire arm, with blood.

"You're hurt!" I exlaimed, pulling out a roll of bandages and some gauze. I cleaned debris from it with the little water I had and pressed the gauze to the wound before rolling the bandages around his arm.

"What the Hell? You were just yelling at me, pissed as fuck, yet when you see me injured, that's just gone now?" He said when I finished.

"I'm not heartless Bowser!" I said, smiling.

"Yes, but given I tortured you, kidnapped the Princess and tried to marry her, hurt God knows how many toadstools! I don't deserve your kindness!" He said.

"Given how you treated your troops well for the most part, you tried keeping in your anger, you appeared to want love when talking about Peach, your not a monster, I just lost my cool there because everyone has a limit of what they can take, I just kept my anger and resentment in for to long and you pushed me over the edge!" I said.

"You really are to nice!" He said, "but that's a good thing!"

"Says the guy who has an amazing track record among his own troops, and in most of the outer kingdoms that don't have as much resources as you do!" I stated.

"How do you know all that?" He asked.

"I saw the way you interacted with your troops when I was captive in your castle, but the rest was when Peach and Mario were off on their many adventures and I decided to adventure those kingdoms on my own, the citizens and Royalty had nothing but nice things to say about you!" I said, "so I figured you can't be as bad as Mario and I thought!"

"Thanks!" He said, blushing.

"You're welcome Bowser!" I said, smiling again.

"You have a nice smile by the way!" He added, returning the smile.

"Thanks!" I stuttered, blushing.

"By the way, I've actually kind of admired your shyness and clumsiness, it's adorable!" He said.

"R-r-real-ly?" I stammered.

"Yes! And I've admired that you didn't want to hurt my troop, and you avoided any damage when you could! Thanks for that, Luigi!" He whispered, blushing a deeper red.


"We're finally free!" I stated excitedly when we managed to find an exit after searching for hours on end.

"Thanks for the help, I couldn't have done half that stuff without you!" Bowser said.

"You're welcome Bowser, but most of that stuff I couldn't do, so I should be thanking you!" I said, blushing and smiling.

"LUIGI!" Mario's voice cried out.

"Ok, that's my cue to leave!" He said.

"But...!" I started, wanting him to stay, but I knew that Mario and Peach would attack him on sight.

"Don't worry Green Bean, we'll see each other again! Promise!" He said, kneeling down on one knee to lift my head by my chin to look at him. He smiled and pressed our lips together in a quick kiss that sent the butterflies in my stomach going crazy. The spark shared between our lips disappeared after we pulled apart.

"Be careful, please!" I pleaded. He nodded before taking off further into the forest surrounding the mountain we were trapped in.

"Luigi!" Mario called again, closer this time.

"Mario!" I called back, heading towards him.

"There you are Baby Brother!" Mario cried as he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm ok Mario!" I stated, pulling away.

"Are you sure Luigi?" He asked, taking a First Aid Kit from Peach.

"Yes Mario!" I stated.

"Only one way to be sure!" He said, dragging me into a clearing surrounded by a thick brush and tree like.

"What are you doing Mario?" I asked when he let my wrist go.

"Strip! Now!" He ordered.

"W-what?" I asked.

"You can keep your underwear on, but you need to remove everything else!" He said.

"What about Peach and Toad?" I asked.

"One second!" He said, sprinting back to where we just were. He came back a minute later, "they agree not to come in here, so off with the clothes!"

"Ok!" I whispered, removing my overalls and shirt. Mario gave me a quick look over and was satisfied with only a few bruised ribs I explained away as falling onto a rock or boulder when I tripped since it was dark and I'm clumsy.

"There, all done!" He said when he finished wrapping up my ribs to stabilize them.

"Thanks Mario!" I said as I put my clothes back on.

"You're welcome Luigi!" He said, leading me back to Peach and Toad.

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