You Saved Me (A Poreotics Story)

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** I posted this last year but I'm gonna repost it because I didn't know what R meant until now. Haha dont judge me 😁**

Kat's POV

So this is how it's gonna end. I'm scared, scratch that TERRIFIED!! I always expected to die of old age. Not at thirteen and because of some drunk dudes. What did I do do deserve this?!? Well more importantly I was more worried for May's life. May is my sister, she is a couple months older than me but she was more like a mother to me. You see, ever since our parents died eight years ago she's been looking out for me ever since. We are Filipino, we both have light tan skin, bright hazel eyes, and jet black hair. The difference is, I have shoulder length hair with caramel highlights, and May has long slick black hair down to her butt. (Back to scene)

I had scratches and bruises everywhere and a gash on my arm about two inches long. But May had it worse, her shirt was drenched in blood and there were scratches all down her arms, legs, and face. Her right eye was puffed up and there was a gash above her eyebrow. There were about seven guys beating us, or well, May. I was being held back while they were beating the life out of her. I tried so hard to pry his arms off of me, it should be me getting beat to a pulp, not her.

"Let me go!" I screamed to the man. He chuckled in response. I kicked and squirmed with all of the strength I had left. Then May fell unconscious, but that didn't stop them, they kicked her unmoving body.

"STOP IT!!!YOU'LL KILL HER!" Tears were streaming down my bloody face. They didn't seem to hear me... Or they didn't care at all.


Can's POV

The guys and I were on our way home from McDonalds. (We walked because it wasn't that far away.)

"We should hurry, the kids are still at home." Law said."We don't know what they're up to this time." We all agreed. Last time we left them home, there were raw eggs splattered all over the house. I honestly don't know why we left them there again.

"Why did we leave them there anyways?"

"Yeah, that was a bad idea," Jet replied. We continued walking for another two minutes.


"Did you guys hear that?" I asked.

"Hear what?" Chad asked. I was probably imagining, I haven't slept for two days.


We looked at each other," Oh my gosh!!" We all ran towards the cry. As soon as I saw what all the commotion was about, I shook with rage. A group of men were beating two girls! Who does that! I ran faster, knowing that this could be a matter of life and death for those two. I noticed Jet and Chad were pretty pissed about it too...As soon as they reached the group they both flipped.

Jet's POV


"WHAT THE HECK!!!! THAT'S NOT HOW YOU TREAT CHILDREN!" As soon as I was within arm range I punched the guy holding the screaming girl.HARD!! He fell back clutching his eye in pain. I quickly picked up the girl bridal style and booked it to my house. I looked up and saw Chad doing the same.

Dumbo's POV

We were all running for our lives! I turned around and saw the gang following us. Crap! I dashed passed my boys and was soon banging on our door.

" OPEN THE DOOR!" I turned around and saw the guys come up the driveway, then I felt myself falling.

Chloe's POV


"OPEN THE DOOR!!" Our heads snapped to the door.

"That's Dumbo!!" Jason exclaimed. I ran across the room and opened the door. Dumbo fell right on his face, but came up as quickly as he fell. His face was red and his eyes were filled with......fear. I've never seen him so terrified. This must be some serious chiz. Just then the rest of the guys dashed in and locked the door behind them. Law and Charles locked all the windows as fast as they could.

"Oh my gosh what happened?!?!" said Morgan. I followed her gaze and saw Jet and Chad holding two raggedy girls.


"No time, Can call the police, you guys follow me." Jet ordered. Me, Chad, Jet, the two girls, and the rest of Miniotics went up into Jets room. I locked the door behind me.

"What the heck is going on?!" I was freaking out!

"Well as you can see, these two girls were beat up and the gang that assaulted them followed us here." Chad informed us.


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