He didn't want to

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Mot didn't want to. He never had thought of doing it. But when his child's life was in danger, then he had to do it. One or the other; it wasn't fair, but what choice did he have? Death of an innocent child who was Mot's entire universe or death of a god whom would leave him to rot in the ground anyway?

He had loved the god, ever since that high being of power had saved Mot from being setenced to death. What irony, their first visit included the impending doom of death and their final would do just the same.

Talking of irony, Mot had been given a specific sword to use. One that the god's own mother had forged. Seems that the blade brought death with it wherever it went. Rumors were spread all along the streets of Urulu once that had spoken of 7 swords, all made for no one, just made because why not? Why not make a weapon of mass destruction? Why not make a weapon that could kill gods and goddesses alike? A weapon that could kill both peasant and noble, both mortal and immortal, anyone and anything. It was treachery and being trusted with such a sword was just an even bigger expense.

Mot remembered when the blade sliced through the god just like butter. How the blood had splattered everywhere. The god's quick breathing, the mixture of shock and pain on his face, the mumbling of his words as he tried to get a better look at Mot. His last word was Mot's name. He had figured it out and Mot had to run away, flee from the country, change his name, keep Alyssa safe, and dispose of that damned sword.

Mot had thrown it into the lake near the city of Dagrun. He had left Alyssa there while he was on his "business trip". Alyssa got along well with the princesses of Dagrun, so Spark had no problem of letting her stay there with him and his family.

But it had been time to run, time to run away and never look back. He had thanked Spark for his help and told Alyssa to get packed quickly. One of the princesses-Amanda was it? Mot didn't remember anymore- asked where he and Alyssa were going. Spark had shown interest in it as well. Mot had explained that someone had promised him saftey in a different world.

Although that was a big mistake as Spark had suddenly said he was comming with Mot and dropped everything just like that. Mot knew how much Spark loved his family, so why would he just leave just like that? Mot hadn't understood back then nor did he now.

As Mot stood next to a sixteen year old Alyssa, an old man of intrest named Spark, and a salty wet tissue titled as Ser Jeriah, he remembered how much he missed home. How much he longed to go back and see the world he had grown up in.

He didn't want to stay in some world that lacked character and was made as some joke with gods and a goddess who did nothing to help them. He wanted that god back. He wanted his lord back. He wanted Dianite back.

His Dianite, his friend, his lord, his god, his lover. He wanted him back and he could do nothing but look at Alyssa while she wailed and tried to stop dear Mot from leaving her. Spark was trying to calm the child while Ser Jeriah was chuckling over something.

What foolish people.

Mot said his goodbyes, and walked through the portal and the last thing Mot heard was Alyssa's sobs. On the other side he was on a dock with two men looking at him. One looked familiar, like somone he had met a long time ago. The other looked like a younger version of Spark, but with red glasses and a completely different outfit.


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