Happy 22nd Birthday, Flower!

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The date was May 9th, 2023. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today. Murray Philips (Pirate Adventure Len) can be seen on his computer talking to his girlfriend Flower Buckley on Zoom.

Flower: So, how is your sister doing? And your friends?

Pirate Adventure Len: They're all doing good. And so are their lovers.

Flower: That's good.

Pirate Adventure Len: I heard that there are more Vocaloids in the city.

Flower: Yeah. Dex, Daina, Lapis, Merli, Lola, Mew, Prima, Miriam, Rion, and Sonika all came not too long ago.

Pirate Adventure Len: Wow.

Flower: And here's to them finding their future lovers. Maybe Lord Otome can help them out.

Pirate Adventure Len: Yeah. Hey, I heard that today is your birthday. Or anniversary.

Flower: Yeah. I'm turning 22.

Pirate Adventure Len: Nice. How long have you been a Vocaloid?

Flower: Well, I first became one on May 9th, 2014. So, 9 years.

Pirate Adventure Len: Wow... So next year will be your 10th anniversary.

Flower: Yep. I bet all of us Vocaloids are gonna get together and celebrate.

Pirate Adventure Len: Can I meet your Vocaloid friends?

Flower: Of course. Since you are my boyfriend.

Pirate Adventure Len: Sweet! It'll be awesome to meet the real Miku face-to-face.

Flower: Yeah. Just don't be a creep.

And so, Flower and Murray talked for a few more minutes until they both had to leave.

And that's it for this birthday one-shot. Happy birthday, Flower. I'll see you guys in another story!

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