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(I did some changes - Do Check the Intro Part - 2 and Chapter 1 - Game Rules )
After came from Cafe
They all gone to their home but Riyaz talked in a call and gone to a home
In the home
Riyaz Walking🚶 towards a room
He entered into the room and closed the door
Riyaz : Hey , How are you all (With Smile)
Boy : We are fine
First you say Why did you call us here ?
Riyaz : Sume I came to meet you all and talk about something important
Sume (Sumedh) : Oh Whats the matter ?
Riyaz : Sume , Mikku , Ashi , Yesha Do You like interesting things ?
Mallika (Mikku) : Yess
Riyaz : So...Participate in a game
"Try To Survive" Its really a interesting game [Explains Everything to them]
Ashi : Intresting
Yesha : Yess But...If we dead...?
Sume : Stop Talking Negatively Yesha
Mikku : How she will stop ? She is a negative girl
Yesha : Yeah 😓😓
Ashi : I am participating
Yesha : Me too
Sumellika (Sumedh/Mallika) : We also
Riyaz : Okk...But Ashi And Yesha you both want a boy
Because Couples can play in it so...
Ashi : Don't worry about it
I have a boy for me 😌
Yesha : Same me also
Riyaz : Oh You both also dating ?
Ashi : Noo , Am not dating with anyone
In my beauty , Anybody can come with me 😎
Yesha : Same me too Ashii 😜
Ashi : We're always same 😉
Riyaz : Okk 😅😅
We are going to Rule home on tomorrow
Am so excited for Day 1
Ashi : Me too
Mikku : Am very excited what about you Sume
Sume : Me also My Queen
Mikku started blushing
Yesha : Stop it guys
We can't see it
Riyaz : But I can see your romance
Ashi : Don't see their romance
Go and Do romance with your girl
Riyaz : But My girl 🙈 don't allow me to do romance with her 😅😅
All are laughing 😂
Ashi : Ok Bye
Am leaving
Yesha : Me too
Sumellika : Ok Bye
Riyaz : Bye Ashi And Yesha
Ashi And Yesha Left
Riyaz : Ok Sumedh And Mallika
Am also Leaving Now
After I left do how much romance you want 😜
Sumellika blushing
Riyaz : Bye
Sumellika : Bye
Riyaz left
Mallika also left as soon
[Actually It is home of Sumedh]
To Be Continue...

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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