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The year 2073.

Earth has gone through yet another world war, this time fused with nuclear warfare. Many nations were destroyed, and new ones rose, upsetting the world's balance and natural order.

In the world following World War III, the continents had united and were termed the "new countries." To put it simply, the new world only had six countries, excluding Antarctica, which is uninhabitable by human life and was therefore untouched by the Third World War.

Democracy was taken down, and there emerged a new system of capitalism where the rich ran the government and the poor, or those not well off, were almost reduced to the status of peasants.

The country of North America reigned supreme over the other nations, despite its size compared to the likes of Asia. Australia was the most downtrodden of all the countries.

Wow, what a fantastic world we live in. There are only six countries left, and Antarctica gets to sit this one out. How lucky for them! And forget that silly democracy nonsense; capitalism is where it's at. Who needs fair representation when you can just let the rich run the show? North America is clearly the best country, even though it's not as big as Asia, because size is everything, right? And poor little Australia is always getting the short end of the stick. But hey, at least the rich are thriving under this new system. It's not like there could possibly be any negative consequences to having such extreme wealth inequality, right?

Cities such as New York were inhabited by people mostly of the lower class. The upper classes did not live there, as it was a major target during World War III, which resulted in mass radiation poisoning throughout the city, much like many other metropolises.

It is in this drudgery of life that a place that was once a fabulous city meets our five heroes. Are they destined to change the world's order yet again?

author note: I know this looks like a really long history lesson lolol, it'll get better soon though!!

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