Chapter 10

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By the time I got home it was a little after six and to say I was exhausted was an understatement

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By the time I got home it was a little after six and to say I was exhausted was an understatement. I spent the rest of my shift looking over the beach and advising kids to be careful.

I stayed above ground and watched Reid mingle with the people relaxing under the sun. It seemed like everyone liked him and was familiar with him. How can you know so many people and make them like you?

I honestly envied how easy it was for him. It's hard for me to open up to people at first. I don't trust easily so I only have about five close friends. My grandma tells me all the time to smile more and I'll seem more inviting. "You attract more bees with honey," was what she always said, whatever that means.

The next day at work I stood from the hut watching over the beach. Reid was in the water with Jasper, getting their daily swim in. I watched from my binoculars as their arms dived in and out of the water.

They both came out soaking wet, my eyes strayed over to Reid as he ran a hand through his drenched hair. He was fit, it's impossible to not notice. Beads of water dripped down his smooth chest and muscular core. He lifted his head, casting a look in my direction. I froze when our eyes met, he grinned and sent me a wink. I flipped him off and looked elsewhere.

I turned to see Jasper climbing up the stairs, "I can take over for you Jade. Reid's going to set up some beach activities, so you can help him down there." I nodded and walked past him and down the stairs. I looked around for Reid and saw him flirting with two girls who looked like they came straight out of an Instagram post.

The girl with brown curly hair giggled, biting her lip as  she listened to what Reid had to say. The other girl seemed shy, simply gazing and giggling occasionally. Reid stood confidently his arms crossed as he engaged in conversation with the two.

I tapped Reid on his shoulder, crossing my arms. "Jasper said you needed help setting something up?"

He nodded, saying a quick bye to the girls who looked upset to see him go but waved goodbye regardless. I followed him across the sand to a shed under the hut. He opened the doors and pulled out a few items and moved them out of the way.

"Volleyball?" I questioned, he brought out a large net with poles on each end.

"You got it," he tossed a volleyball at me. I caught it in my arms and played with it, bouncing it into the air. "Hey, I need a little help over here, this is heavy."

"Oops, sorry," I dropped the ball and helped him set the poles into the sand.

"Want to play a game against me?" Reid rose an eyebrow challengingly.

"Pfft, you wouldn't stand a chance against me. Volleyball is the one sport I'm good at. I'd demolish you. You'd have to go crying home to your mommy in tears because of how hard I kicked your ass."

"Wanna make a bet on it?" We stood on opposite sides of the net. The mesh of it creates a barrier between us. I stared into his eyes boldly, not backing down. The sun behind me made his eyes seem lighter. He raised an eyebrow, waiting on an answer.

"Let's do it. What's the bet?" I am a sucker for a good challenge, I love to compete. When I did do physical activities it was always either basketball or volleyball. It was the only sport I knew how to play well so I took a lot of pride in my games.

"Well," he picked up the ball that rolled under the net. "If I win you have to be nice to me 48 hours." He tossed the ball from hand to hand as he spoke.

What is he talking about? I am nice. "Fine, and if I win you have to leave me alone for 48 hours." I countered with a straight face.

Reid burst out laughing, clutching onto the ball tightly. "Alright, whatever you want," he laughed some more and threw the ball at me.

I caught it effortlessly, palming it in my hand. I served first, the ball flies over the net and Reid hits it back. We go at it for a while before I win the first score, "whoo!" I put my hands in the air.

The game continued and people started joining in on our game. We both had a total of eight on our team. Reid and I were tied, whoever won this last point would win.

As fast as lightning I saw the ball coming towards me from the middle. This was it, this is how I'd beat Reid. It's so easy, it's practically falling into my hands. I lifted my hands to hit the ball back over, yes this game is mine, I thought.

Knocked, I fell to the floor as the person behind me couldn't help himself. He managed to touch the ball but it got caught in the net, declaring our defeat. Reid's side cheered, high-fiving and embracing each other.

Reid strolled to the net a proud smirk on his stupid face. "What was that about crying home to my mommy?"

I squinted my eyes and placed my hands on my hips, "That wasn't my fault, if it had just been a game between you and me I would've won."

"Whatever major loser," he held up the L sign and placed it on his forehead.

I glared at him, "Why don't you-"

"Uh uh uh, you promised to be nice to me. So choose your words wisely."

I forced a smile on my face, "Good game Reid, why don't you kindly fuck off." I exhaled, turning around towards the hut. The kids started playing another game of volleyball as I made my way up the stairs. He followed behind laughing at my anger.

"Ted, do me a favor and drive for me. I'm too tired from winning the game earlier." He dangled the keys in front of me. We were standing in the parking lot, ready to go home.

I snatched them from him, "sure thing." I bit my lip, started the car keys, and drove down the road.

"Jade, slow down," Reid held onto the car's handle, "you're going entirely too fast."

I ignored him and continued down the route home. I eventually slowed down when I caught a glance at Reid's face. He looked scared shitless. When I parked the car in his driveway he immediately got out. I got out too, the ends of my mouth quirking up.

"Don't ever do that shit again," he said seriously. His eyes were hard and his nose flared. I had never seen him in any state but annoyingly happy, so this was a first.

I dropped my smirk, "sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to get back at you." He shook his head, mumbling a bye, and went inside.

I walked back to my house feeling a hint of guilt. I never meant to make him mad. It wasn't until later on that I understood why he was so upset that day.

 It wasn't until later on that I understood why he was so upset that day

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