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irl, insta, messages

"hello and welcome to this week's video. as you can see we're joined by fran, rosie and audrey today!" matt began, "dylan isn't here because he's sick right now."

audrey kissed her fist and pointed to the sky jokingly and spoke, "rest in peace dylan i never liked you."

rosie and fran laughed at this, knowing the two loved pretending they hated each other.

"anyway, we're doing another baking video. we've split into pairs, me and rosie, audrey and nick, and of course fran and chris." matt explained to the camera.

"of course? what is that supposed to mean?" chris asked.
"he literally just said the first two pairs so that leaves you two, dumbass." nick stated obviously.
"oh yeah. whatever. we haven't decided who's going blindfolded since it's going to be entertaining for us to figure it out on camera." chris brushed off what his brother said.

the group spent 5 whole minutes deciding who will be blindfolded, since no one wanted to.

"i'm not going blindfolded! i won't be able to see!" chris yelled.
"no shit chris! i'll just do it then so you stop whining like a baby." fran yelled back at him, while the others just laughed at them both arguing back and forth.

"rosie i can go blindfolded if you want me to." matt said softly to his girlfriend. they had both agreed not to go public with their relationship for a little while, because matt didn't want rosie to get hate. he knew how some fans could be.

"are you sure? i don't mind." she replied, unable to hide the smile off of her face. since he asked her to be with him, she couldn't contain her happiness around him.

"bye. look how easy that was for them and then tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber over there have been yelling about it this whole video." audrey laughed with nick, who had mutually agreed audrey would go blind.

"shut up drey, you won't be laughing when we win." fran clapped back to her friend, and chris flipped audrey off from behind her.

"so how this is gonna work is, we're gonna film each pair separately and i'll just edit all the clips together because there isn't enough room for all six of us to bake at once." nick explained to the others and also to the camera.

nick and audrey started baking first, while the other two pairs watched from behind the camera.
"okay nick my man, blindfold me. i'm ready."

"we're all baking cookies, by the way." nick looked at the camera before he blindfolded audrey.

the pair both actually did pretty well considering the fact audrey couldn't see.
"okay now it says add the eggs and vanilla. the eggs are to your left." nick instructs.
audrey grabs the eggs with ease and moves her hands around the counter to find the bowl.
she cracks the eggs at the side of the bowl and manages to do it without getting the shell inside the mixture.

"we are so winning this, man. this shit is easy." audrey laughed and nick agreed.

"we could do this, for sure." chris mentioned to fran from behind the camera.
fran nods. "definitely. i bet i'll be so good at this."
"definitely. you're good at everything." he replied.
fran felt that same pang in her chest she kept feeling the past few weeks. he said something so simple and yet it still made her tingle.

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