you left me...

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Quinn was dead, Anika was dead. Those were the only thoughts running through Ethan's mind As he snuggled into the blanket that was wrapped tightly around him. He was sitting in the back of an ambulance car after just surviving his first real ghostface.

Caught up in his thoughts Ethan didn't even notice his boyfriend, Chad, stood in front of him until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

At first Ethan was happy to see him, to see that he was alive and well. But that quickly changed once flashbacks of the night before raced back into his mind.

"You left me." The shorter boy's voice barely above a whisper. He felt like crying, he felt so betrayed. Imagine the one person who you thought cared about you, loved you, hell even fucking cherished you. left you in a house to fend for yourself and potentially die.

Ethan hated Chad for leaving him there. Leaving him there to watch his bestfriend, a person he loved with all his heart, get thrown off a ladder after being stabbed, practically gutted.

He wants to scream and cry till he can't anymore. He wants to kill the person who was in the ghostface mask. To watch them scream and beg, just like she did before getting thrown off. Or just how Quinn probably did before she was killed in her own bedroom.

He can't help but blame Sam for everything. Before she showed up along with her stupid sister and the meek-martin twins, everything was perfect. Ethan had a caring sister, a supportive friend, and he never had to experience the displeasure of falling in love.

Ethan snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Chad's voice. "Babe, I swear on everything I didn't mean to leave you. I thought you guys were following right behind."

Ethan wanted to believe him, he really did. He just couldn't stop hearing the voice of his brother, his brother that was killed by Sam. His brother that forced him to recreate the stab movies, his brother that called him a crybaby. His brother who was the golden child, the one who could never do wrong.

His brother that defended him when their father would get pissed off about something at work and needed something to push that anger onto.

Ethan tried hard to hate his brother. Richie wasn't a good person, he killed innocent people and tortured him for years. But all that anger that he tried so hard to put on Richie, went onto Sam.

Ethan felt tears start to form in his eyes, he had no genuine reason to hate her, and yet he couldn't help feeling like he should. Maybe he's just as sick and twisted as Richie. He couldn't lie, he thought about killing a bunch of times, and he knew that, that wasn't something a normal human being thought about.

He knew that no matter how hard he tried, there was no denying that he was just like richie.

The tears finally started to fall, he couldn't hold them in anymore. The thought of being like Richie made him want to puke.

Chad, now sat down next to Ethan, wrapped his arm around other boy's shoulder and pushed him closer so that his head was on his shoulder.

"No, get off of me. I hate you" Ethan tried to push Chad's arm off of him, shuffling around not caring about the pain he felt as his stab wound started to reopen.

"Shh, it's okay. You're going to be okay" Chad whispered into Ethans ear. Chad was holding his boyfriend down, forcing Ethan's head to stay pressed against his shoulder.

Eventually after what seemed like hours, Ethan began to stop fighting. His crying turned into sobs as he pressed his head into Chad's chest.

"You promise- you promised that you'll protect me." Ethan managed to stutter out, his sobs making it hard for him to speak. 

Ethan started to hit his boyfriend repeatedly, pushing and showing while repeating "you promised" over and over again.

"I know and im so fucking sorry" Chad started rubbing Ethan's back, clearly the hits from Ethan not doing much. tears was falling from his eyes. Seeing Ethan like this hurt him more than anything else ever could. As much as he wishes he could tell Ethan that it'll never happen again and that he would be there to protect him every time, he knew he couldn't.

He knew he couldn't because ghostface wasn't going to stop going after the people he loved, and it scared him. He saw the look on Mindy's face when she told him that Anika was dead.

He knows he's selfish for thanking whatever God there was for letting it be Anika and not Ethan. But honestly he can't find the strength to care, the only thing he cares about right now is trying to get Ethan to stop crying.

And so Chad wrapped his arms around Ethan's waist, listening to his sobs.

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