A Tale

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Hearing the sound of mumbling and something opening, his eyes focused before looking at the scene before him. A large, red robed being with heavy cybernetics augmentation stare down at him

Another was a women, wearing fine golden armor, short black hair and gentle blue eyes, her wings wrapped around the being before her just as the mechanical being said

[recovery: 100%]
[Welcome back, Roboute Guillimen.]
"Wha... who.... Who are you?"
"I apologize my lord, but we are in a bit of a rush, we'll explain in do time..."

Lifting him up, the mechanical being and women helped the primarch stand up properly, Guillimen feeling dizzy and being lead to a separate room.


Guillimen looked over imperium's rule and law, he had a look of utter disgust and sadness, how? Why? Why have they done this? How could have this happened? Just WHY?!

Guillimen had trashed the room he was in, breathing heavily and growling with tears rolling down his cheeks, his eyes narrow in anger at the official religion that worshipped his father

Roboute continued to fall deeper into despair, the imperium is a mess of an empire, no longer built on reason and science, but on blind faith and superstition.

Guillimen clutched his head in anguished, his brothers were gone, all most likely dead. His father was nothing more then a decaying corpse that was slowly dying

New and old threats attacking mankind from everywhere, from within and outside.

"Oh father... how.... How can I fix this? There's nothing but ruin! These people! They have lost their reason! Why?! WHY?!"

Guillimen shouted, tears slowly stopping as he whipped his face with his armored hand, as if the galaxy wanted him to suffer more, he was stuck in his armor, the ynnari had his life in the palm of their hands

Any minute, they can pull the plug and end his life just after he was resurrection, just when humanity was defeated at the 13 black crusade, chaos being more influential then ever before, what was he supposed to do?!

His life was in control of xeno's, chaos spreading even further with his family dead and the imperium seeing him as their last and only hope left, Guillimen would have continued into despair if it weren't for a sudden knock at the door

"Lord Guillimen? Are you there?"

Looking at the door, Guillimen didn't bother to clean up his mess nor present himself properly, what was the point in doing so now? With a tired voice, he said


Opening the door, saint celestine slowly stepped into the room, she quietly gasp upon seeing the state of the room and Guillimen himself

"M-my lord! What has happened to you?!"

Celestine yelled in shock, rushing over to his kneeling figure, she kneeled down and touched his face

"I... apologize.... I am sorry that you have to see me in such a state...."

Guillimen muttered, looking more downwards. Celestine gasp before she slowly took his hands and used one of her wings to wrap around Guillimen shoulder

"Lord Guillimen, what is it that plagues your mind?"

Turning his head to face her, Guillimen closed his eyes and rubbed them

"That is if... y-you want too...."
"No no... it is quite alright... for why I am such a pathetic state...."

Looking into her eyes, Guillimen could feel his father, the psychic energies that came from his powers making saint Celestine be able to manifest into the material universe

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