Chapter 61-80

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Chapter 61

Yang Qiuju sent her son to the entrance of the village and told him, "Yuhang, don't forget to write to your home when you arrive at the army."

"Well, Mom, go back. I'm leaving." Zhuo Yuhang said goodbye to his mother.

Yang Qiuju said to Ning Xin beside her, "Go and see Yuhang off and come back early."

"Auntie, please go back. I'll take Brother Yuhang to the car and come back."

"You go. When you leave, I'll go back." Yang Qiuju insisted on watching them leave.

"Then let's go first."

The two said goodbye to Yang Qiuju again. Zhuo Yuhang rode his bicycle and rode away with his luggage and Ning Xin.

The wheat seedlings are green in the field by the roadside, and the upright poplar trees stretch their branches in the pleasant spring breeze, and there is a vibrant scenery everywhere.

However, Ning Xin and Zhuo Yuhang did not want to enjoy the scenery on the roadside. They were about to part, at least they could not meet every day.

"You're leaving soon. I can't bear it." Ning Xin revealed her feelings. They were old husband and wife in their last life, and they had some love words to say. Unlike men and women, love is hard to say in the heart.

"I can't bear to part with you either. But it doesn't matter. Can't we still meet there? If you miss me, just leave me a note and I'll meet you when I have time.

"That's the only way."

After Zhuo Yuhang was demobilized in his last life, the two have been with each other. At first glance, they must feel uncomfortable when they separated.

When leaving, you will always feel that time slips away in the blink of an eye. Ning Xinyi reluctantly said goodbye to Zhuo Yuhang, and Zhuo Yuhang also looked deeply at her and wanted to engrave her in his heart again.

"The car is about to leave. Get in the car quickly!" Ning Xin pushed Zhuo Yuhang and hugged him to get him on the car.

"Then I'll go. You go back early."

"Well, I'll leave when you get in the car."

After Zhuo Yuhang was on the bus, he put his head out of the window and told Ning Xin, "Go back quickly."

The car started slowly, and Zhuo Yuhang waved goodbye to Ning Xin. Soon, he could not see his shadow. Ning Xin was lost for a while. Thinking that her husband would find an opportunity to meet her in the space when he arrived in the army, she thought about it and rode back to Zhuo's house on a bicycle.

"Ning Xin is back. Is Yuhang in the car?" In order to send her son away, Yang Qiuju didn't go to work today and has been able to come back.

"Auntie, he's gone." Ning Xin put the bicycle by the wall.

"When he makes the marriage report, you can get married early, and I will be relieved." Yang Qiuju mentioned the marriage again.

Ning Xin pretended to be shy and bowed her head and didn't say anything.

Yang Qiuju suggested: "Yuhang has left. Now I'm the only one at home. It's not safe for you to live alone in the health room. Anyway, there are few people coming back from home. Why don't you move here?"

"By the way, you can live in Yuhang's house when you come here. He will be empty when he leaves. It's still a little popular for you to come here.

Zhuo's yard is a brick house, with four main rooms, and a wing room, which is enough for the family to live in. It's just that most of my family members work outside, and only Yang Qiuju lives at home.

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