The story of how a sweet girl named Mayuri, the Princess of Nilamgarh finds out abt what goes on behind the closed doors of the palace of Rajgarh.
Mayuri : princess of Nilamgarh
Reyansh : king of Rajgarh--x--
You are welcomed to correct my mistakes and give tips to be a better writer
Writing is just my hobby I'm not a professional writer
Updates : 4-5 times in a month or maybe more.
This story may contain mature parts so you are warned.
Don't . Don't copy my work in the name of inspiration, remember it's a crime.
I won't give any pics of the characters as you are welcomed to imagine whoever you want also i won't give any description cause i feel like it kills the suspense.
If you have read till this far then thank you to listen or rather read my rantings lol!
A lil motivational quote for you guys:
"The comparison of who is better is between the old and new version of yourself not others."
Have a nice day.
Behind the hidden doors
Historical Fictionthe closed doors tells tales more twisted than her long braid