😀Visiting my village😀

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Flachback: (No one pov)

"Jiminie come down I'm afraid what if you fell down from tree." A 4 years boy said while tears on his eyes to a 5 years boy who try to take the kite from the tree.

"Seokie wait...I will be safe don't cry baby..."  He said jump from the tree and hug the younger while whisper some sweet but nothing words into his ears. Both Jimin and Hoseok play happily but suddenly Jimin's mom, Mrs. Park call him.

"Jiminie come home it's time to come." She called as Jimin look down at Hoseok who have a small pout while look at him. Jimin can't help but coo at his cuteness and ask.

"What happen Hobi? Why are you pouting.." He ask while cares the younger cheeks who shake his head as no and bid their bye.

Days pass like that, both boys love eachother company so much. Like that one day Hoseok wait for Jimin near to the tree and saw a crying figure come towards him and it was Jimin.

"Jiminie...my mochi what happen hyung.." He ask while try to wipe Jimin tears as Jimin hug him tightly and after calm down both boys sit under the tree next to eachother Hoseok place his head on Jimin shoulder.

"Minnie why did you cried?" He ask and look up at Jimin who already look at him sigh and said.

"Seokie I will tell but you will sad and cry.." He said in a low sad voice as Hoseok look at him with a worried eyes and kiss the older cheek and said.

"Minnie...what you think about me? I'm a big boy and if you have a problem I will protect you." He said dramatic while knee and show his hand as Jimin chuckle and get his hand. Both stand walk to the near church on other hand Hoseok was confused by Jimin because they never come to church. Jimin and Hoseok stand in front of the church gate as Jimin grab the other hand and said.

"Seokie...I'm going to leave this village and going to Seoul for studies with my uncle." Hoseok look at him try hard to control his tears.

"Minnie but you wi-".

"No Seokie I'm going to study there for 15years and after the graduate I will be back." Hoseok cry while hug him and said.

"Minnie...please don't leave me.." He cried as Jimin kiss his head and said.

"That is why I take you here.." He said and take two ring like iron object from his pocket and give one to Hobi and that both estranged then. Jimin kiss Hoseok cheeks as Hoseok ask.

"Jiminie what is this..?" He ask with a innocent doe eyes as Jimin said.

"Seokie I ask my appa why we don't sell this eomma and buy another but he said that he married her...so now I'm marry you so I'm also not going to leave you..my princess." Hoseok giggles and kiss Jimin's cheeks and said.

"Hyung I'm a boy so I'm prince..not princess.."

"But for me you are princess.." Both leave that place.

And the next day Jimin leave to Seoul with his uncle as all the family members (Jung family too) and friends bid their bye as Jimin leave.

No one pov: (In Seoul Park music industry)

Another stressful day for Jimin who now relaxing himself in his office couch while loosing his necktie and undo his shirt first three buttons. Suddenly his office door open reveal his so call girlfriend, Rose.

Rose:"Babe...what happen you look stress? Did daddy need his babygirl.." She said while crawling toward Jimin who look at her with annoying face but let her do whatever she want. She sit on his lap and start to rub her ass on Jimin closed dick as Jimin groan and grip her waist.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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