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All characters are 14 here!

Kenny's POV:

I wake up in my bed, per usual. I get up and stretch happily, walking over to my closet and putting on my parka. I walk out my room and into Karen's just to check up on her and say hi, then I walk out the front door and head over to Kyle's place, because I'mmmm gonna ask him to come play with me! Because I have nothing else to do on a Saturday!

Kyle's POV:

I stare at myself in the mirror, attempting to make do with my hair. Not like I am going anywhere special today, but I just feel like maybe I should do something with my hair. Nah, maybe another day. I leave the bathroom and go to the dining room to eat breakfast.

Just as I get a bowl and a spoon, I hear a knock at the door. 


I yell, running to the door. I open it and see Kenny!

"Hi Kyle! Do you wanna go out and play today?"

"Oh yeah sure dude, just let me eat first!"

"Alright awesome, I'll wait outside for you!"

"Oh, don't you want to come in Kenny? You can eat some cereal with me?"

"I'm fine Kyle, thank you though!"

I shrug and close the door. I hate the fact that I'm leaving Kenny out there, although it's not my fault. He said he didn't want to come in, I'm not gonna force him into my house am I? I decide that I'm not gonna eat, me and Kenny can just get snacks when we go out! I stall for a few minutes in my kitchen and then I go outside!

Kenny is sitting outside on the steps, drawing stuff in the snow with a stick. I sit next to him and look at what he is drawing.

"Dude, is this us? That's actually really good for drawing in the snow!"

"Yeah! I even drew a heart, to umm, symbolize our friendship!"

"Awh, I know we don't talk a lot but you're like really fun to hang out with Kenny."

Kenny's POV:

Kyle thinks I am fun to hang out with? Score! That makes me unbelievably happy. I perch down on the last step, having Kyle get onto my back comfortably before getting up and carrying him on my back, we first go to the candy store, I hate having Kyle pay for me but he insists, then we go to starks pond and hang out there, then lastly we decide to climb up onto the roof of Tweek Bros, just to sit.

Kyle lays his head on my shoulder and I wrap my arm around his waist, pulling him closer to me. We calmly sit as we watch the sun set, it's so pretty, just like Kyle.

"Hey Kyle?"

"Yeah Kenny?"

"Do you think, we would make a good couple? if we dated?"

"Are you asking me if I want to date you Kenny?"

"Maybe, if I say yes will you say yes?"

"I don't see why we can't try."

I excitedly pull Kyle into a hug, and he hugs me back. Best day of my life!!!


Probably one of my shortest oneshots but whatever, I wanted to make sum cute.

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