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"Good evening Ms Rivers" Jenny from the reception greeted me, handing me my posts. Giving her a gentle smile I greeted her in return, she was a single mother in her early twenties with a huge heart, her dimpled smile was just enough to spread positivity throughout your day but only if you are not blessed with any of those assholes from my office.

Grabbing my posts I bid the chirpy woman goodbye with a huge smile reciprocating hers, the elevator was already opened as a woman who I assume is from a floor down from mine entered it with a massive paper bag in her arms, jogging up to the elevator I entered it and swiftly punched the button to my floor.

"hold on" shouted a surprisingly familiar voice before the lift could close off.

The woman in front of me was quick to punch the button to open.

"nice meeting you here sweetheart"

Xavier Monroe stood inside the elevator with a sheepish grin staining his lips, and holy mother of God, did he look edible, he wore grey jeans and a brown turtle neck sweater which unfortunately did really a great job in enriching his chocolate brown eyes as he held on to an expensive vine bottle in his right hand. Even the middle-aged lady from downstairs did not hold back as she not so discreetly checked him out.

"for dinner, I assume" Giving the woman a charming smile Xavier sidestepped her towards me.

"yeah, lovely coincidence sweetheart " I shot him a look.

" I usually get off work this time, so not much of a coincidence there if you ask me." I shrugged looking straight ahead of the elevator, supposing that was the best option in a lift with a middle-aged woman and my soon-to-be boss.

"Ouch! sweetheart " he pouted at me, cringing I had to blink twice to make sure I was not in la la land having a conversation with a doppelganger of the asshole I met the day before yesterday. Again when was the last time I got laid?

"stop calling me that" My voice was hushed as I felt unease creep inside me from the eavesdropping lady in front of me or was it because of the uncomfortable feeling from the endearment, I couldn't pinpoint it myself.

Moving a step closer to me with a mischievous smirk Xavier seemed the least bit affected by the audience, shooting him a glare I moved a step back away from him causing my ass to hit the handrail.

"I don't think so sweetheart " his mouth was so close to my ears, his warm breath fanning over my jaw, my arms touching his as he too leaned back on the handrail.

If the woman noticed the tension in the elevator she did not act on it, it was not a surprise when she did not waste a single second as she sprinted out of the elevator as soon as it came to a halt on her floor.

Even before the elevator closed I found myself turning to the man next to me with a menacing scowl on my face.

"so why don't you tell me what exactly you are doing here this early?" Sighing he followed me out.

"We got off on the wrong foot, i don't want us to go on like that, can we please redo that" I blinked twice at him, redo? What the fuck was he on about.

"Why?" I asked folding my hands under my chest. what kind of idiot did he take me for? Did I really look like an idiot who would fall for his prince charming looks and bad-boy attitude? Oh boy, I really got to change my hair or was it my makeup

"Cant a man just be nice for the sake of it, Jesus fucking christ, why would i need a reason for being nice rolling my eyes i gave him a look.

"Nice try , but i will take it into consideratio if apologize for splitting out that nonsense about me having a "teeny tiny" something on Evander " The prince charming looked taken back for a second before the smirk I seemed to hate stained his lips.

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