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All rights reserved © Ruhaani and Dhruvika 2023.

The moral right of the author(s) has been asserted. This work is published on the condition that it shall not be reproduced or retransmitted in whole or in parts, without the written consent of the author.

This is an entire work of fiction, a product of the author's imagination. It does not intend to offend any religious sentiments and beliefs, and is solely created for the purpose of entertainment.

All the pictures and videos inserted in the upcoming chapters belong to their respective owners, we do not claim them.

The usage of swear words will be there. (Yes, our Shris and others at times will be cursing!) Kindly do not proceed if not comfortable; and neither do make a fuss about it in the comments. We shall not be entertaining any such activities and you might end up muted.

There are also two main OCs who will play a frequent role in these stories: KrishnaManoharaa's Kamalnayani from her book Krishavyayam (I'm certain most of my readers know her anyways), since we couldn't not have our chaotic little gremlin Krishu baby. She's gonna be the source of practically all mischief around her. And my own OC Lilavati from my book To Love A Murderer will be making frequent appearances. 

And yeah, instead of the eight wives of Krishna, we'll be having the different facets of Shriya, that is Shridevi, Bhudevi, Niladevi, and Kamya. And also Yamuna Jiji since she's immortal anyways.

Thank you for choosing to read this!

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