"Excuse me!"

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The Sumerian fields, soft, gentle, quiet, peaceful..It was simply the place to be. The place you wanted to be at. Kuni walked the fields with a few aranara's following behind happily, one even resting on his shoulder. As the wind blew against his face and hair he headed back for Sumeru city until a group walked past him, him and one of the women there made eye contact for a second, Kuni looked out of curiosity not expecting somebody to be looking at him. He kept walking but the people went to a stop, all turning around to look at him.

The lady in front stepped forward reaching her hand out slightly before calling out "Ah! Excuse me!".

Kuni knew nobody else was around, who else would she be talking to? All the other people went completely silent as well. He turned around slightly giving a side profile of his face towards the woman "Yes?" He responded. After taking a look at the woman and her group his whole body froze, he felt himself slightly tremble at the glimpse of a familiar woman..and group. The sight of the lady's long blue hair, fair white dress, kind face, light tone, he knew her all too well. He looked over at the group to observe them as well, all 10 of them he recognized. There still the same

"I'm so sorry to trouble you but I–" mid-sentence of the woman talking Kuni turned his back to her while continuing to walk forward at a faster pace, he didn't hesitate one bit to attempt to get out of there.

The woman had a surprised look and only by the mysterious boy suddenly rushing off it raised her curiosity. She stepped forward again until one person from her group stepped out and held his arm in front of her as a gesture for her to not worry about it, after that the same man rushed ahead a bit lightly grabbing hold of Kuni's back clothing.

At the sudden grab Kuni instantly turned around to make the man lose grip, as he did that he caught a look of what the person looked like..The one person he didn't want to get close to or even look at. In return the boy in front of Kuni looked down upon him

"Excuse me sir but her Majesty w–".

"Childe?" Kuni cut him off without even realizing he spoke at all. Immediately after saying his name he broke down into a nervous mess, realizing how he got himself into a bigger situation.

"Oh? How do you know my name?" Childe asked. Childe tilted his head confusingly while examining Kuni. "Hey do I kn-" Childe started to say until Kuni cut him off again

"I don't. I was just calling you a child." Kuni tried to save himself from accidentally saying Childe's name.

"..You keep cutting me off.." Childe said, letting out a heavy sigh.

Kuni stepped back then turned his body away from him getting ready to walk away again. He seriously had to get himself out of there.

"I-!" Childe jumped forward grabbing Kuni's sleeve to prevent him from leaving "Have we met before?" he looked desperate to know and never took his eyes off the purple haired boy once.

Kuni froze in place then looked over his shoulder and back at Childe, his face softened for a moment almost making it look like he was upset but it quickly went away, making him have the same serious look. "Of course not. Can you let me go, you all seem like a bunch of weirdos trying to kidnap me or something."

Childe looked embarrassed but yet still determined "Oh im sorry, i didn't mean to frighten you. I apologize if that's what you think we're doing. Believe me, if we wanted to hurt you..We would have done so." Childe spoke, tightening his grip on Kuni.

They're still the same..That's understandable. It hasn't been that long anyway. "I see." Kuni moved his gaze down to his sleeve then back at Childe "Look. I said I don't know you. Back off!" He raised his voice, getting annoyed by the fact he couldn't shake away Childe...but that's how he was..Childe had always been determined. Nothing could stop him.

"You may not know me but I know you!" Childe yelled in response.

Kuni had a surprised look and even a bit of worry, There's...There's no way. He can't remember me. That's not possible..Could he?..No. "Huh? You do? Are you sure?" Kuni asked with slight worry in his voice.

"I- Not like that. I just..I feel like i know you..You're so familiar..".

Kuni gave a sigh of relief, as long as he could convince Childe he didn't know him then this could be fixed. Although Tsaritsa had been watching the 2, her not taking her eyes off Kuni once. She looked like a pleading puppy..

"I believe we've gotten off track..Her majesty over there wanted to speak with you i believe" Childe pointed over to Tsaritsa then slowly began to pull him over.

"Not interested." He pulled his sleeve back with a slight head shake. A small wave of relief flooded through his body at the fact Childe dropped the past subject but now there was a new problem. Tsaritsa. He couldn't face her. Not after all that's happened, and the way she stood there desperately wanting to see him..Not that it mattered. She didn't even know who he was. Kuni crossed his arms then pointed behind them, out of curiosity he watched as all the Harbingers looked back but the moment they went to look back at Kuni all they saw was nothing.

Childe stood there seeming a bit annoyed "dammit."

Tsaritsa was disappointed she didn't get to speak with the boy but didn't want to bring the rest of the group down "It's quite alright! Let us continue! Maybe we'll see him again.."

"Your majesty.." Childe said feeling guilty.

"How odd..Nobody could possibly get away that quickly. And to slip past us...Interesting." spoke Number 2 of the Fatui Harbingers, Dottore.

Pantalone nodded his head in agreement but didn't care all that much. "Your majesty, why did you want to speak with him so badly?"

Tsaritsa only looked into the distance remaining silent.

"Ah..! Seriously don't worry We'll come across him at some point! After all, we're stuck here in Sumeru for awhile" Childe reassured her.

Tsaritsa turned her head, giving Childe a smile. She walked over to him and raised her hand, placing it on his head "What a good child you are.."

"Teacher's pet." Captaino groaned.

Columbina laughed at Captaino's comment "Since day 1" she added.

"Oh shut up!!!" Signora complained.

"Have we met before?" Scaramouche / Wanderer story || ChildexScaramouche ||Where stories live. Discover now