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A girl with black hair and sea green eyes sits facing a statue of a unknown person

She starts to sing a song that spoke of sorrow and grief for a warrior that fell in battle and when she finishes she stands up and walks away from the statue as everything goes black
Percia woke up early for there was banging on her cabin door before remembering that she was getting her rewards today and definitely felt out of it but got up anyways

"Doors unlocked now, get on in if you want to talk." And walks in her bestie Annabeth who has a worried expression on her face as the 2 look at each other before once more darkness clears everything
Above the city sits the gods conversing easily no longer split by their personalities and a unknown individual sitting in the middle of the room also talking with the gods

"Lady Chaos, are you sure this will help the young heroine? Yes I'm sure do not worry children" Is heard last before everything goes black once again
Now we see Chaos and Percia conversing with Percia tearing up at what Chaos is saying and asks

"Can I really be free? Yes of course young child. But what about..him? He has already stated to want to reincarnate yes? So I pre-made the universe of where you will go and had him reincarnate there"

Darkness once more clouds what you see this time being the last.

The Fallen Hero <Fem Betrayed Percy>Where stories live. Discover now